The Dew Breaker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dew Breaker Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Michel in story told in the "Monkey Tails" chapter?
(a) 37.
(b) 14.
(c) 12.
(d) 30.

2. Where is Dany’s aunt coming from, when he arrives?
(a) A visit with friends.
(b) A mass.
(c) A childbirth.
(d) A funeral.

3. Where is Rézia’s restaurant?
(a) Jersey City.
(b) Queens.
(c) Manhattan.
(d) Brooklyn.

4. What does Mariselle say President Kennedy’s widow Jacky Kennedy did to sadness?
(a) Made it beautiful.
(b) Made it horrifying.
(c) Made it bearable.
(d) Made it unbearable.

5. Who is the one who starts the others telling stories about their personal lives?
(a) Mariselle’s husband.
(b) Rézia.
(c) Mariselle.
(d) Freda.

6. What is the reality of Michel’s father’s whereabouts?
(a) His father is a macoute who lives in Port-au-Prince.
(b) His father lives across the street at the water station.
(c) His father died in a prison camp.
(d) His father fled to America when Michel was young.

7. What does Dany tell his aunt about in his dream?
(a) Finding where the dew breaker lived.
(b) Finding other people who knew the dew breaker.
(c) Murdering the dew breaker in his sleep.
(d) Standing over the dew breaker where he slept.

8. What does Beatrice say the women who come to her for wedding dresses call her?
(a) Mother.
(b) Cousin.
(c) Sister.
(d) Aunt.

9. Who is the mob looking for, in Michel’s story?
(a) Criminals.
(b) Business owners.
(c) Macoutes.
(d) Government officials.

10. What does Freda say the president of Haiti would throw from his car at New Year’s?
(a) Money.
(b) Food.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Pictures of himself.

11. Why does Dany have to make excuses when he sees people in his aunt’s town?
(a) For not sending money home.
(b) For not sending gifts he had promised.
(c) For not remembering birthdays.
(d) For not visiting sooner.

12. How does Aline characterize Beatrice’s state of mind to her editor?
(a) Lonely.
(b) Disturbed.
(c) Haunted.
(d) Nutty.

13. How old was Claude when he killed his father?
(a) 9.
(b) 14.
(c) 21.
(d) 18.

14. How does Claude describe integrating back into his people’s community?
(a) Being a puzzle the people are putting together.
(b) Being a lost child and coming home.
(c) Being a fragment of a manuscript, and hearing the rest.
(d) Being sick and getting better.

15. What advice had Aline’s boss given her for this interview?
(a) Ask smart questions.
(b) Let her subject get comfortable and talk.
(c) Notice everything.
(d) Do not get too cozy with the natives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Freda say she is going to do when she goes back to Haiti?

2. What does Aline say she learned was useful in her education?

3. Why were prison guards called dew breakers?

4. Who does Freda say Brother Timonie was?

5. How old was the dictator when he fled?

(see the answer keys)

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