The Devil's Highway Test | Final Test - Medium

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Test | Final Test - Medium

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What city did the walkers start their walk from?
(a) No city- their bus driver let them off early.
(b) Tucson.
(c) San Luis.
(d) Sonoita.

2. What cardinal direction was the direction of death in the ancient beliefs held by some of the men from Veracruz?
(a) West.
(b) South.
(c) East.
(d) North.

3. What was unfamiliar about the place names Jesus encountered in Sonoita?
(a) They came from the English language.
(b) They came from Indian languages.
(c) They came from the Spanish language.
(d) They came from Asian languages.

4. Which of the walkers had the most American money with him?
(a) Nahum Landa.
(b) Reymundo Jr.
(c) Reymundo Sr.
(d) Rafael Temich.

5. Which of the Coyotes was first to run out of water?
(a) Lauro.
(b) Mendez.
(c) Santos.
(d) Don Moi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who died in Reymundo Sr.'s arms?

2. What passage did Mendez mistakenly think he had found, causing the group to wander further into the mountains?

3. What did the travelers buy with their money on the day they departed to cross the Devil's Highway?

4. Which mountain range did Mendez repeatedly attempt to climb, without success?

5. Who was responsible for making sure the walkers had water on the Devil's Highway?

Short Essay Questions

1. What disrupted the walkers' plans at Bluebird Pass?

2. What did Mendez do to upset Rafael Temich?

3. What geographical feature did Mendez get lost in, as if it were a maze?

4. What happened to the Coyotes after they abandoned the walkers?

5. Why did the Border Patrol agents fail to recognize Mendez?

6. What happens to the expedition led by Santos?

7. What caused the group to break apart after they pressed on without Mendez?

8. What form of payment did Mendez insist on receiving?

9. How did getting lost affect the walkers' opinion of the human smugglers?

10. What are the initial signs of heat stress?

(see the answer keys)

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