The Devil's Highway Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was Jesus AKA Mendez AKA Rooster Boy?
(a) A rogue Border Patrol agent.
(b) A walker.
(c) The third Cercas brother.
(d) A Coyote.

2. What term is used as a code name for indigenous peoples in the region?
(a) Migra.
(b) Walker.
(c) Coyote.
(d) Oaxaca.

3. According to Urrea, why did "hungry men" (47) want to work with Don Moi?
(a) The Hungry Men were a rock group and they believed Don Moi could get them a gig.
(b) They wanted to learn how to make American cheeseburgers.
(c) They wanted guts like his.
(d) They wanted to distract him from flirting with their wives.

4. What is Hotel Rio Colorado?
(a) A sarcastic term for a field of skeletons on the Devil's Highway.
(b) A well-beloved and high-class chain of Mexican hotels.
(c) A fictional place from a popular but haunting Mexican ballad.
(d) A "mecca" (80) of civilization lying between several different locations.

5. Urrea describes an apparition of a black head in the dirt as seen by an unnamed traveler; what did the black head do upon seeing the traveler?
(a) The black head laughed.
(b) The black head warned him to leave.
(c) The black head begged for water.
(d) The black head screamed in terror.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which operatives worked at the bottom of the human smuggling hierarchy?

2. What organization did the Texan and Arizona branches of Border Patrol start worrying about in the aftermath of 9/11?

3. From what is the term "tonks," used in reference to border crossers by Border Patrol agents, derived?

4. Why did the Mexican government stop distributing survival kits for border crossers?

5. Who processed the paperwork of the Yuma 14?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is done with the dead at the consulate building before they are prepared for burial?

2. Who were the Wellton 26?

3. Why were the walkers hoping to encounter Border Patrol agents, even though they were crossing without authorization?

4. Who is Ken Smith?

5. What condition were the bodies of the Yuma 14 in when they were found?

6. Who were the Yuma 14?

7. From what state did most of the Yuma 14 come?

8. Who joined Reymundo Barreda Maruri Sr. on his journey?

9. According to Urrea, how did Operation Gatekeeper change border crossings?

10. Who oversaw the human smuggling operation that led the Yuma 14 into the desert?

(see the answer keys)

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