The Devil's Highway Test | Final Test - Easy

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Test | Final Test - Easy

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many men decided to join the Coyote who advocated for a change of plans?
(a) Half of them.
(b) 3 or 5.
(c) All of them.
(d) None of them.

2. How did the walkers evade the Border Patrol's drag system the first time Mendez crossed the Devil's Highway?
(a) They walked backwards to make their tracks confusing.
(b) They kept to the high ground.
(c) They wore foam shoes.
(d) They covered their tracks with brush.

3. What reason did the remaining two Coyotes give for leaving the group?
(a) They wanted to cover more ground.
(b) They were tired of listening to the walkers complain.
(c) They were going to get water.
(d) They did not want to slow the walkers down.

4. Who was the "bad-toothed scrapper" (85) that joined Mendez on the walk through the Devil's Highway?
(a) El Chespiro.
(b) Don Moi.
(c) Lauro.
(d) Santos.

5. Which mountain range did Mendez repeatedly attempt to climb, without success?
(a) The Andes.
(b) Mount St. Helen.
(c) The Growlers.
(d) The Rockies.

6. How did Don Moi feel to hear the travelers laughing on the bus?
(a) He liked to see the men have fun.
(b) He was envious of the travelers' mirth.
(c) He thought it helped them blend in.
(d) He did not like it.

7. To what did Mendez allegedly attribute the strange lights at Bluebird Pass?
(a) Border Patrol cars.
(b) UFOs.
(c) Civilian border militias.
(d) An oncoming train.

8. What do the men say Reymundo Sr. did when he wandered into the desert to die?
(a) He shaved his head with a knife.
(b) He took off his shoes and threw them into the mountains.
(c) He tore up his American money.
(d) He set his clothes on fire.

9. Why did the walkers spend more time in the desert sun than other people making the trip?
(a) They had arrived at the big rock early, when there was more daylight left before sunset.
(b) They accidentally started their trip during daylight savings time.
(c) Mendez had a deep passion for long, desert walks.
(d) Solar winds delayed the sunset by a few hours.

10. How much water did the walkers carry with them on average?
(a) 1 eighth of a liter.
(b) 80 liters.
(c) Eight gallons.
(d) Eight liters.

11. According to Urrea, why do Coyotes usually reject pesos from their walkers?
(a) Pesos cannot be spent in America.
(b) Pesos are easier to track.
(c) Pesos disintegrate too easily if they get sweaty.
(d) Pesos are not as cool as dollars.

12. What structure did the walkers have to cross to get into America?
(a) A highly-guarded tunnel.
(b) A giant moat.
(c) A twenty-foot wall.
(d) A collapsed barbed-wire fence.

13. What physical abnormality influenced Mendez's course through the desert?
(a) His left leg had less thrust than his right.
(b) He had a low center of gravity, so preferred to stick to high ground.
(c) His ears were very large, so he preferred to stay low, away from the wind.
(d) He had trouble seeing through one eye.

14. Who was the "little fat man" (85) that joined Mendez on the walk through the Devil's Highway?
(a) Don Moi.
(b) El Chespiro.
(c) Lauro.
(d) Santos.

15. Whose idea was it for the remaining Coyotes to go their separate way?
(a) The text is unclear.
(b) It was Chespiro's idea.
(c) It was Santos's idea.
(d) It was Don Moi's idea.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who died in Reymundo Sr.'s arms?

2. What alternate plan did one of the Coyotes suggest after it became clear they were lost?

3. Which of the men does Urrea describe as the "grandpa" of the group?

4. According to Urrea, what do Coyotes typically do before abandoning their walkers to die?

5. Which Coyote wanted the group to change its plans once it became clear they were lost?

(see the answer keys)

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