The Devil's Highway Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what is the term "tonks," used in reference to border crossers by Border Patrol agents, derived?
(a) It is the sound of a flashlight breaking over a human head.
(b) It is a sly reference to the "s-knot," used by early Border Patrol agents to tie up border crossers in the days before handcuffs.
(c) It is a Harry Potter reference.
(d) It is an abbreviation of the phrase "ton of cussing."

2. According to Urrea, why did "hungry men" (47) want to work with Don Moi?
(a) They wanted to learn how to make American cheeseburgers.
(b) They wanted guts like his.
(c) They wanted to distract him from flirting with their wives.
(d) The Hungry Men were a rock group and they believed Don Moi could get them a gig.

3. When do most border crossings from Mexico take place?
(a) Between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
(b) Border crossings do not take place at any particular time.
(c) Between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.
(d) Between 3 p.m. and 11 p.m.

4. What sort of bullets do Wellton Border Patrol agents carry?
(a) Hollow-point bullets.
(b) Rubber bullets.
(c) Birdshot.
(d) Armor-piercing bullets.

5. Where were the Yuma 14 sent after their bodies were collected?
(a) Arizona.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Texas.
(d) Oregon.

6. Why was Jesus AKA Mendez transferred from his usual route?
(a) He was tired of working with Maradona.
(b) He wanted to diversify his skill set.
(c) He was starting to attract attention in his own sector.
(d) Don Moi was tired of dealing with him.

7. According to Urrea, what two factors most unite the Mexican consular corps and the American Border Patrol?
(a) Their respect for the rule of law and their appreciation for authentic polka.
(b) Their skill navigating the desert wastes and their keen eyes for crime.
(c) Their sleek operating procedures and their flare for creative jargon.
(d) Their distrust of their governments and their hatred of human smugglers.

8. Who was Toribio Romo?
(a) An old soccer coach from Chicago.
(b) The inventor of foam shoes.
(c) Don Moi's right hand man.
(d) The patron saint of undocumented immigrants.

9. What desert vegetation did the walkers try to eat for hydration?
(a) Bell peppers.
(b) Tumble weeds.
(c) Cactus.
(d) Creosote.

10. With which of his family members did Reymundo Barreda Maruri Sr. travel?
(a) His father.
(b) His daughter.
(c) His son.
(d) His wife.

11. What does "OTM" stand for when used by Border Patrol agents?
(a) "Other Than Mexicans."
(b) "Over The Mesa."
(c) "Onward, To March."
(d) "Ogle This Money."

12. What reason did Mendez give for getting into the smuggling business?
(a) He hoped it would help him make contacts as a musician.
(b) He claimed to be a freedom fighter resisting the American government.
(c) It was the best way to meet women.
(d) It was the only way to make a decent wage.

13. What other government organization sometimes has Border Patrol vehicles pulled over for inspection?
(a) The EPA.
(b) The FBI.
(c) FEMA.
(d) The Marines.

14. According to Urrea, what did men driving home from America bring with them to Veracruz in Chapter 2?
(a) New toys, clothes, and appliances.
(b) Contagious American diseases.
(c) Exotic American pets.
(d) Eager American missionaries.

15. Which of the following creatures is NOT said to reside in Desolation?
(a) The good witch, Glenda.
(b) The evil witch, Ho'ok.
(c) Elder Brother, I'itoi.
(d) The coyote-spirit, Ban.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Urrea, which group would the agents at Wellton say could best describe "the real border world" (23)?

2. How was the work of Coyotes gendered in banda subculture?

3. What piece of Border Patrol equipment does Urrea describe as a "lifesaver" (25)?

4. Why do Border Patrol agents create "drags" (28) running east-west along the desert?

5. The men stumbling out of the mountains in the book's introduction suffered from a medical condition; what was it?

(see the answer keys)

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