The Devil's Highway Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 10. The Long Walk - 14. Helicopters.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Operation Gatekeeper change the routes walkers took to cross the border?
(a) Walkers started traveling through the harsh and less heavily-patrolled desert areas.
(b) Walkers' routes were unchanged.
(c) Undocumented immigration ceased altogether.
(d) Americans started migrating south to seek work in northern Mexico.

2. Why did men start tossing away their belongings during their walk?
(a) They dropped their items accidentally.
(b) To attract attention from Border Patrol.
(c) To celebrate their passage into America.
(d) Out of despair.

3. What failed attempt did the men make to signal for help the night after their Coyotes left?
(a) They made a human pyramid so that Border Patrol cars could spot them.
(b) They made a giant pile of rocks.
(c) They started a giant bonfire.
(d) They laid out to spell the word "Help" for passing planes.

4. What animal did Mendez have tattooed on his arm?
(a) A goat.
(b) A snake.
(c) A rooster.
(d) A rabbit.

5. What reason did the remaining two Coyotes give for leaving the group?
(a) They were tired of listening to the walkers complain.
(b) They wanted to cover more ground.
(c) They did not want to slow the walkers down.
(d) They were going to get water.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what did Mendez allegedly attribute the strange lights at Bluebird Pass?

2. Why did the Border Patrol agents call Mendez "Rooster Boy"?

3. What did the signcutters call Mendez after they read his tracks near Bluebird Pass?

4. Which of the walkers had the most American money with him?

5. Why do Coyotes rarely carry money, according to Urrea?

(see the answer key)

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