The Devil's Highway Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Highway Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Urrea, Luis Alberto
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 1. The Rules of the Game.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the first white man who died on the Devil's Highway doing when he passed?
(a) Wandering the desert.
(b) Fighting a local soldier.
(c) Riding a dangerous horse.
(d) Trying to kill a dog.

2. What is the official name of the case regarding the journey that led the Yuma 14 to their deaths?
(a) The Great Border Tragedy.
(b) The Devil's Case.
(c) Operation Broken Promise.
(d) The Mendez File.

3. Why do so-called "foamers" (29) wear foam blocks as they cross through the desert?
(a) The foam keeps their feet cool.
(b) They believe it reduces the tracks that they leave.
(c) The foam allows them to ski down brief inclines.
(d) The foam is a fashion statement.

4. The men stumbling out of the mountains in the book's introduction suffered from a medical condition; what was it?
(a) Influenza.
(b) Osteoporosis.
(c) Hyperthermia.
(d) Lupus.

5. According to Urrea, which group would the agents at Wellton say could best describe "the real border world" (23)?
(a) Border Patrol newcomers.
(b) Coyotes.
(c) Walkers.
(d) Border Patrol veterans.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was the first white man to die on The Devil's Highway?

2. Which of the following groups is NOT included in the list of people who mock or dislike Border Patrol agents?

3. Where were the Yuma 14 sent after their bodies were collected?

4. Which of the following creatures is NOT said to reside in Desolation?

5. What state were the walkers discovered in?

(see the answer key)

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