The Devil's Arithmetic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil's Arithmetic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom do the shoes that Hannah is given to wear during the escape belong to?
(a) She doesn't know.
(b) Gitl.
(c) The guard.
(d) The three-fingered woman.

2. Who tells Hannah that the adults have a plan to escape?
(a) Ester.
(b) Rivka.
(c) Rachel.
(d) Gitl.

3. Why does Eva tell Hannah the rest of her life story later when they are alone?
(a) Because Hannah wanted to hear it in private.
(b) Because Eva couldn't handle telling anyone else.
(c) Because nobody else wanted to hear it.
(d) Because nobody else would believe it.

4. What happens on the third day in the concentration camp?
(a) Esther dies.
(b) The women are taken to the gas chambers.
(c) Hannah dies.
(d) A Choosing.

5. When does Hannah think her birthday is?
(a) January.
(b) February.
(c) May.
(d) March.

6. Who does Hannah dress after her cold shower?
(a) Tzipporah.
(b) Rachel.
(c) Reuven.
(d) Gitl.

7. Who is separated among the Jewish villagers by the German soldiers?
(a) The women and men.
(b) The women and children from the men.
(c) The Jews from the Greek Jews.
(d) The women and children.

8. How many times does the train holding the Jewish villagers stop on its trip?
(a) Three times.
(b) Once.
(c) Twice.
(d) Every hour.

9. Who drags the dead corpses away after being shot against a firing wall?
(a) The Commandant.
(b) Dr. Mengele.
(c) Fayge.
(d) Wolfe.

10. Who does Gitl give her bread to?
(a) Reuvan.
(b) Hannahl.
(c) Reuvan.
(d) Esther.

11. Whom does Hannah feel the officer looking at the prisoners reminds her of?
(a) Mr. Bradley.
(b) Mr. Svea.
(c) Mr. Joe.
(d) Mr. Unsward.

12. Who is included in the men held in chains for trying to escape?
(a) Yitzchak.
(b) Shmuel.
(c) The rabbi.
(d) Wolfe.

13. Who is Hannah asked to live for?
(a) All the Chayas who have died.
(b) Gitl.
(c) Her family.
(d) Herself.

14. What do the prisoners call the door the area that the wooden fence leads to?
(a) Jasmine's Cave.
(b) Lilith's Cave.
(c) Hannah's Cave.
(d) Lily's Cave.

15. What does Gitl give Hannah for a birthday present?
(a) Red shoes.
(b) Blue shoes.
(c) A red scarf.
(d) A blue scarf.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are the women and children taken for one hour at night?

2. What does Hannah look for while in the barracks?

3. How many Jewish people does Hannah suddenly remember die during the Holocuast?

4. Who's hand does Hannah see is bandaged and bloody?

5. What does Rivka say is not done at night?

(see the answer keys)

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