The Devil Wears Prada Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lauren Weisberger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil Wears Prada Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lauren Weisberger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Andrea fantasize about happening when she leaves the office to correct her mistake in Chapter 1?
(a) Winning the lottery.
(b) Quitting dramatically.
(c) Miranda dying.
(d) Getting hit by a bus.

2. How does Andrea feel when she dials Alex's number in Chapter 8?
(a) Proud.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Weak.
(d) Pleased.

3. What is the name of the building Andrea goes to for an interview in Chapter 2?
(a) The Elias-Clark building.
(b) The Bertelsmann building.
(c) The Chrysler building.
(d) The Barkley-Park building.

4. Why does Andrea leave the office unattended in Chapter 5?
(a) To go to a doctor's meeting.
(b) To get some food.
(c) To go to Prada.
(d) To get something from Miranda's nanny.

5. What does Emily say would have happened if Miranda had called while the office was empty?
(a) Andrea would have been demoted.
(b) She would be publicly humiliated.
(c) Andrea would have lost her job.
(d) Miranda would have docked their pay.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lily studying at university?

2. What does Miranda's assistant tell Andrea she will be able to do after working for Miranda for a year?

3. In what area of New York City does Andrea go to for a job interview in Chapter 2?

4. What is Andrea's sister's name?

5. How much time does Miranda give Andrea to correct her supposed mistake in Chapter 1?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Andrea hate her cell phone?

2. What happens when Andrea goes to Miranda's house to deliver the book?

3. What causes Andrea and her parents to be a bit apprehensive about Andrea's job offer?

4. After being offered the job of Miranda's assistant, what does Andrea have to quickly do? Where does she find a place to live?

5. What does Alex think of the possibility that Andrea will work at Runway magazine?

6. What is The Book? What is Andrea instructed to do when she delivers The Book?

7. Why does Andrea go to the Elias-Clark building? What overwhelms her there?

8. How does Miranda cause an uproar in the office in Chapter 4?

9. What does Lily study at college? What does Lily to Andrea about her new job at Runway?

10. Who does Andrea speak to at the party in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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