The Devil Wears Prada Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Weisberger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil Wears Prada Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Weisberger
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Andrea react to the image Illana shows her?
(a) Andrea rolls her eyes.
(b) Andrea is shocked.
(c) Andrea gets nervous.
(d) Andrea smiles.

2. Why is Miranda angry when she calls Andrea in Chapter 9?
(a) Andrea has forgotten to update Miranda's schedule.
(b) Andrea is taking too long to fetch Miranda's lunch.
(c) Andrea hasn't put fresh flowers in the office yet.
(d) Miranda can't find her copy of today's newspaper.

3. In Chapter 9, what kind of shop does Miranda make Andrea look for without giving her much information?
(a) One that sells vintage kitchenware.
(b) One that sells grandfather clocks.
(c) One that sells imported rugs.
(d) One that sells antique dressers.

4. Where does Christian kiss Andrea before going to get drinks?
(a) On her neck.
(b) On her cheek.
(c) On the hand.
(d) On the lips.

5. Where is Miranda holding the dinner party she is planning in Chapter 11?
(a) The New York Public Library.
(b) Carnegie Hall.
(c) The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
(d) The Museum of Modern Art.

6. Where does Miranda go for two weeks in Chapter 12?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Paris.
(c) Prague.
(d) Hawaii.

7. What image does Illana show to Andrea?
(a) Miranda's face on the body of a snake.
(b) Miranda's face on the body of a Barbie doll.
(c) Miranda's face on the body of a monkey.
(d) Miranda's face on the body of a flamingo.

8. Where does the article Miranda wanted Andrea to find end up being?
(a) In the LA Times.
(b) In the Washington Post.
(c) In the Chicago Tribune.
(d) In The New Yorker magazine.

9. Why does Miranda send Andrea to get her another coffee?
(a) Miranda doesn't like the taste of the one Andrea brought.
(b) Miranda thinks hers is too cold.
(c) Miranda wants a different coffee brand.
(d) Miranda spills the one Andrea brings her.

10. Why does Andrea toss the lunch she got for Miranda in the trash?
(a) Miranda says it looks fattening.
(b) Miranda had already eaten.
(c) Miranda thinks its too cold.
(d) Miranda says Andrea ordered the wrong meal.

11. What amazes Andrea at the event at the Met?
(a) That there are so many famous people there.
(b) That Miranda commends her for her work.
(c) That she actually looks like she fits in.
(d) That Miranda is such a good hostess.

12. Who does Andrea open a letter from in Chapter 13?
(a) A publishing company.
(b) A little girl.
(c) Miranda's mother.
(d) Miranda's lawyer.

13. Who alerts Andrea to Miranda's impending arrival in Chapter 9?
(a) The men at the security desk.
(b) Miranda's driver.
(c) Miranda herself.
(d) Emily.

14. Why does Lily get dumped by her boyfriend?
(a) Her drinking is causing him problems.
(b) Lily stands him up three dates in a row.
(c) Another man answered the phone when her boyfriend called.
(d) Lily refuses to see him until her school term is over.

15. What does Lily have to say about Christian kissing Andrea?
(a) That it's no big deal.
(b) That it's gross.
(c) That it's old fashioned.
(d) That it's a bit forward.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Andrea complain about to Benjamin?

2. What does Andrea notice when Miranda goes away in Chapter 12?

3. What is Christian's agent's name?

4. What does Andrea take Lily out to celebrate in Chapter 13?

5. What does Lily do instead of working on a paper for school in Chapter 14?

(see the answer keys)

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