Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does the narrator say that savin trees symbolize?
2. What tradition does Tom say should be revived?
3. What does the narrator compare Tom's clients to?
4. What does Tom's wife take with her when she goes into the swamp for the second time?
5. Which of the following does the devil say is the name he goes by in their area?
Short Essay Questions
1. What becomes of Tom Walker and all of his wealth?
2. What recent events lead to Tom's business being so successful?
3. What are some of the details of the plants and animals in the swamp, and what do they signify?
4. What natural event happens in the area in 1727, and what is its thematic significance?
5. How does Tom treat his horses, and what does this illustrate about his character?
6. What is the implication of the conversation between the devil and Tom about the ownership of the swamp land?
7. What are Tom Walker's first house and property like?
8. How does Tom ultimately slip up and get captured by the devil?
9. Before Tom and the devil part, how does the devil seal his side of the bargain and what does this allude to?
10. Describe the appearance of the devil in this story.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is the implicit point of view about women that this story offers? Consider the descriptions and actions of Tom's wife, the devil's treatment of Tom's wife, and the narrator's comments about women. Be sure to offer textual support for your claims.
Essay Topic 2
Write an essay in which you explore the casual racism of Irving's short story "The Devil and Daniel Walker." Describe the elements of the story that are racist and explain the irony in this racism, given the stand that Irving takes against the slave trade. Be sure to use quoted textual support for your claims.
Essay Topic 3
As the story progresses, Tom becomes more like the devil. Write an essay in which you explore the idea that as he does the devil's work on earth, Tom takes on characteristics of the devil. Be sure to offer textual support for your claims.
This section contains 886 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |