The Defense Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Defense Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What subject does Luzhin prefer for his artistic efforts?
(a) Furniture.
(b) Geometric shapes.
(c) Plants.
(d) Animals.

2. At the wedding reception, how much champagne does Luzhin drink?
(a) Four glasses.
(b) None.
(c) Two glasses.
(d) Six glasses.

3. Who is more drunk, Kurt or Gunther?
(a) Gunther.
(b) Kurt.
(c) Neither is drunk.
(d) Both are equally drunk.

4. What two events become mixed up in Luzhin's perception?
(a) Visiting the dentist and getting his passport.
(b) Buying a hat and visiting a travel agent.
(c) Buying a hat and visiting the dentist.
(d) Visitig a travel agent and getting his passport.

5. When was the last time Luzhin had been in church before his wedding?
(a) At his sixteenth birthday.
(b) At his first communion.
(c) At his father's funeral.
(d) At his mother's funeral.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kinds of articles does Mrs. Luzhin have her husband read to her?

2. What does Luzhin's fiancee think of when she walks with him in the garden of the sanatorium?

3. What book do Luzhin and his wife find in their new study?

4. What author does Luzhin's fiancee tell her mother that Luzhin has never read?

5. What is the Luzhins' maid particularly bat at?

Short Essay Questions

1. At the ball, how does Mrs. Luzhin compare the movie actresses to her husband in her mind?

2. What does Luzhin's future mother-in-law feel as the wedding approaches?

3. Why doesn't Luzhin's fiancee ask him about his tuxedo?

4. How does Luzhin feel at his wedding reception?

5. How to Kurt and Karl know where to send Luzhin in the taxi?

6. What does Luzhin realize when he overhears his wife talking to her visitor?

7. How does Luzhin's fiancee's mother react to the idea that Luzhin is drunk?

8. What upsets Luzhien about the geography of the world?

9. What word keeps going through Mrs. Luzhin's mind on her wedding night, and what does it mean?

10. How does Luzhin kill himself?

(see the answer keys)

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