The Defense Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Defense Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Luzhin disappear to at the ball?
(a) A private room upstairs.
(b) An armchair by the staircase.
(c) The coat room closet.
(d) A nook behind the decorated tree.

2. What do the doctor and Luzhin's fiancee call his years of playing chess?
(a) Gray years.
(b) Dead years.
(c) Lost years.
(d) Mindful years.

3. What children does Mrs. Luzhin's visitor have?
(a) Two little girls.
(b) A little boy and a little girl.
(c) A little girl.
(d) A little boy.

4. Who is Petrishchev, the man Luzhin winds up talking to at the ball?
(a) A Canadian store owner who knew Mrs. Luzhin as a girl.
(b) A Parisian banker who was Luzhin's former chess opponent.
(c) A Brazilian plantation worker who was Luzhin's former classmate.
(d) An Egyptian hotel clerk who has Luzhin's aunt's godchild.

5. On what floor is the apartment Luzhin's in-laws have rented for the newlyweds?
(a) The fifth.
(b) The second.
(c) The third.
(d) The fourth.

6. What does Luzhin do when he gets into the cab with his new wife after the wedding reception?
(a) He falls asleep.
(b) He tries to kiss her.
(c) He begins talking incomprehensibly.
(d) He sits silently and sullenly.

7. Why do Luzhin's in-laws spend time visiting at the Luzhin's house?
(a) It has a working stove.
(b) It has running water.
(c) It has a new refrigerator.
(d) It has central heating.

8. Where does Mrs. Luzhin want her husband to visit?
(a) His father's old office.
(b) His father's grave.
(c) A friend of his father's.
(d) His father's old house.

9. Why does Mrs. Luzhin avoid mentioning large cities when talking of traveling?
(a) She thinks a large city will be too stressful for Luzhin.
(b) She doesn't want to mention anywhere they can't afford.
(c) She doesn't want to remind Luzhin of chess tournaments.
(d) She doesn't want to go places Luzhin has been without her.

10. What is Luzhin's father-in-law doing when Luzhin visits him at his office?
(a) Meeting with a colleague.
(b) Dictating.
(c) Taking a nap.
(d) Reading some papers.

11. What does Luzhin think vaguely of, but is unable to recall, while he is ill in the sanatorium?
(a) His mother's hard candies.
(b) His grandfather's chess magazines.
(c) His first chess set.
(d) The smell of his aunt's perfume.

12. What does Luzhin feel like, when he moves into his new apartment after getting out of the hospital?
(a) Like he did when he started school as a boy.
(b) Like he did whenever moving into a new hotel room.
(c) Like he did whenever he started a new chess game.
(d) Like he did when moving from country to town as a child.

13. How do Luzhin and his wife enter the ball?
(a) One following the other.
(b) Back to back.
(c) From separate doors.
(d) Arm in arm.

14. What does Mrs. Luzhin criticize about her body, as she examines herself in the mirror on her wedding night?
(a) Her legs.
(b) Her hips.
(c) Her belly.
(d) Her neck.

15. When Luzhin dreams about Turati before his wedding, what is Turati doing in the dream?
(a) Playing chess.
(b) Picking mushrooms.
(c) Eating soup.
(d) Playing the piano.

Short Answer Questions

1. What fault does Luzhin's fiancee find with the material Luzhin selects?

2. What does Mrs. Luzhin show her husband, in a painting of the Last Supper?

3. What item does Luzhin find in the lining of his pocket?

4. Where does Mrs. Luzhin take her husband that he's never been before?

5. What book do Luzhin and his wife find in their new study?

(see the answer keys)

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