The Defense Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Defense Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What nickname do the other boys call Luzhin?
(a) Clutz.
(b) Tony.
(c) Morris.
(d) Lucky.

2. What present does Luzhin's fiancee bring to him at his hotel room?
(a) Cufflinks.
(b) Flowers.
(c) A box of chocolates.
(d) A cigarette holder.

3. Who interrupts the chess game?
(a) The substitute teacher.
(b) The class bully.
(c) The janitor.
(d) A new student.

4. How does Luzhin's future wife perceive him when she first meets him?
(a) As a bitter, unkind old man.
(b) As a sad, suffering romantic.
(c) As an uncouth, unworthy slob.
(d) As an eccentric artist.

5. How does Luzhin treat the guests at his birthday?
(a) He makes rude comments to them.
(b) He is polite to them but secretly hates them.
(c) He is happy and talks to them constantly.
(d) He ignores them.

6. What does Luzhin like most at his birthday party?
(a) The presents.
(b) The cake.
(c) The magician.
(d) The guests.

7. What does Luzhin drop that his future wife picks up and returns to him?
(a) A wallet.
(b) A pocket watch.
(c) A handkerchief.
(d) A ring.

8. Where does Luzhin's father send Luzhin, after the chess lesson is interrupted?
(a) School.
(b) The park.
(c) Luzhin's room.
(d) The attic.

9. What does Luzhin do with the chess set he has been carrying with him, after he is able to play openly with his father?
(a) He sells it.
(b) He hides it in his bed.
(c) He gives it away.
(d) He buries it.

10. What does Luzhin's future wife's mother think of his profession as a chess champion?
(a) She thinks it is romantic but unwise.
(b) She thinks it is hysterically amusing.
(c) She thinks it is exciting but low-paying.
(d) She thinks it is trivial and ridiculous.

11. In Luzhin's championship game against Turati, how does Turati open the game?
(a) With his usual, successful move.
(b) With a startlingly aggressive, unfamiliar move.
(c) With a laughingly stupid move.
(d) With an ordinary, banal move.

12. How long is Luzhin sick after running away?
(a) Three days.
(b) A day.
(c) A week.
(d) Two weeks.

13. How does Luzhin feel the morning after his father's party?
(a) Luzhin is bored.
(b) Luzhin is exhausted.
(c) Luzhin is angry.
(d) Luzhin is excited.

14. Who does Luzhin play chess with at his aunt's house?
(a) His aunt's maid.
(b) His aunt's butler.
(c) His aunt.
(d) An old man who brings his aunt flowers.

15. At the end of Chapter 8, where is Luzhin trying to go?
(a) To his hotel.
(b) To his fiancee's parents' house.
(c) To the manor house he remembers from his youth.
(d) To the place he stayed with his father in Germany as a boy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Luzhin do when he goes up to his room after he's met his future wife's mother?

2. How old is young Luzhin at the beginning of the novel?

3. Three days before Luzhin's departure, when he is walking with his future wife and her mother, what does the mother ask her daughter to run back and get for her?

4. Whose telephone call does Luzhin eavesdrop on during the party?

5. What painting does Luzhin take note of in his fiancee's parents' home?

(see the answer keys)

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