The Deep End Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deep End Test | Final Test - Easy

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why must people be saved from the horseshoe pit?
(a) There are ticks in it.
(b) The pit had turned to quicksand.
(c) There are stinging ants in it.
(d) There are snakes in it.

2. How do these boys know all the ins and outs of the camp?
(a) They have several camp maps.
(b) Several of them have come to the park with their schools.
(c) They have been scouting out all the prime locations.
(d) They have been coming here for years.

3. Who wants to swim in the lake?
(a) Dad.
(b) Mom.
(c) Manny.
(d) No one.

4. What does Greg decide he will not tell Rowley, regarding their trip?
(a) The embarrassing parts.
(b) He will tell him everything.
(c) The scary parts.
(d) The not-so-great parts.

5. Why is the camper unable to cross the stream?
(a) It has a flat tire.
(b) The water is too deep.
(c) It is stuck in the muck.
(d) It is stuck on a large rock.

6. What is keeping the family from getting the deskunking supplies they need?
(a) They want to try simpler techniques first.
(b) They are allergic to some of the ingredients.
(c) They have to wait until the camp store opens in the morning.
(d) They think a shower will be enough.

7. What is a group of teenagers doing?
(a) They are shouting insults to those in the water.
(b) They are singing and dancing on the shore.
(c) They are helping clean up trash along the shore.
(d) They are scaring those in the water.

8. What happens to the family when they try to lay out on the beach near the lake?
(a) They start to sink in the muck.
(b) They get sunburned.
(c) They get bitten by sand fleas.
(d) They have fun building sand castles.

9. How does Mom feel about the incident in the water?
(a) She is upset because her camera is ruined.
(b) She is annoyed at the camp for allowing such behavior.
(c) She thinks it was fun.
(d) She is worried about her family.

10. What does Mom tell Greg regarding how to use the shower and laundromat?
(a) He must use quarters to run the shower and clothes dryer.
(b) He only has five minutes to take a shower or to load a washer.
(c) He must use only cold water.
(d) He must pay for soap.

11. Why does Mom not let the family go back to the camper too soon?
(a) They all need showers.
(b) The camper needs to air out.
(c) They have to do something fun first.
(d) They have to run errands.

12. What does Greg think will happen to him, if he does not get back to his camper quickly?
(a) He will have to find shelter in another camper.
(b) He will get caught by the camp director.
(c) He will be burned to a crisp.
(d) He will get lost.

13. Why does Greg not get to finish his shower?
(a) He runs out of quarters.
(b) The next guy in line took over his shower.
(c) He loses his spot in line when he goes to the restroom.
(d) He has to go back to the camper for soap.

14. What does it take for the family to make happy memories?
(a) Beautiful weather.
(b) New friends.
(c) A busy campground.
(d) A miracle.

15. Who does Greg run into on the way back to the camper?
(a) Regular Marcus.
(b) Juicebox.
(c) Doo Doo.
(d) Big Marcus.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Greg do as the boys argue about the punishment for breaking the pact?

2. What is NOT a reason Greg gives for disliking the lake?

3. At the beginning of this section, Greg thinks his mom has realized that they have had too much what?

4. What happens that leads both Dad and Greg to believe that being where they are after falling into the water is a bad place to be?

5. As the pool party comes to an end, and everyone is beginning to leave, why does Greg think it best to stay in the pool?

(see the answer keys)

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