The Deep End of the Ocean Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Deep End of the Ocean Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Ben has been in Kerry's school since he was
(a) Five years old
(b) A toddler
(c) In second grade
(d) In fourth grade

2. Pat is not willing to
(a) Let go of his grief
(b) Get on with his life
(c) Share Ben with George Karras
(d) Allow his family to be broken

3. Sam visits Reese in jail to tell him that
(a) He wishes he had never been kidnapped
(b) He has a memory of trusting Vincent when they were young
(c) He no longer wants Reese as a brother
(d) He wants to move back from the Karras household

4. How are the Cappadoras feeling about Reese now that Ben has returned?
(a) They think Reese should be grateful
(b) They disregard Reese even more
(c) They may see him as a threat to Ben
(d) They think Reese is a good influence

5. Why does Beth read English novels?
(a) The characters are polite and proper
(b) She likes the long, drawn-out plots
(c) The characters are emotionally detached
(d) She enjoys the mundane nature of the stories

6. Vincent insists that, this night, Ben will
(a) Eat his pizza without complaint
(b) Sleep on the couch
(c) Sleep in Vincent's bed
(d) Brush his teeth before bed

7. How did the FBI handle the possibility of Cecil's involvement in Ben's kidnapping
(a) They thoroughly investigated Cecil
(b) They fingerprinted Cecil's small son
(c) They never had Cecil's fingerprints
(d) They missed clues and ignored the possibility

8. How does the law treat Cecil?
(a) She is pitied and left alone
(b) She is charged with everyhing possible
(c) She is acquitted of everything
(d) She is punished to the full extend of the law

9. Beth wonders why Kerry is confident at all, since she grew up with
(a) An indifferent brother
(b) Unhappy parents
(c) So little attention from her mother
(d) So many people in the house

10. Who had Vincent tried to tell about possibly recognizing Ben?
(a) Beth Cappadora
(b) Tom Kilgore
(c) Pat Cappadora
(d) Candy Bliss

11. When the Cappadoras enter the restaurant with Sam, people begin to have tears induced by
(a) The overwhelming circus atmosphere
(b) The sight of Sam being so big now
(c) The orchestra's choice of music
(d) The size of little Kerry

12. Why did Reese tell no one about seeing Ben in the neighborhood?
(a) He could not believe it was really him
(b) He wanted to keep the secret to himself
(c) He was afraid of upsetting his mother
(d) He was jealous of his brother

13. Now that Ben may be found, what ironic fact do we learn about Reese?
(a) He still does not like his mother
(b) He has suspected for a long time who Ben really was
(c) He blames Ben for his mother's indifference
(d) He does not want Ben to return to the family

14. What does Beth realize about herself on this day/
(a) How disengaged she has been from her family
(b) How much her career is about to change
(c) How much Ben's kidnapping was her fault
(d) How little love she has given to Vincent

15. What is the name of the neighbor boy who knocks at Beth's door?
(a) Joe
(b) Reese
(c) Pat
(d) Sam

Short Answer Questions

1. Vincent considers his family's life to be like a

2. What has Beth been doing when the boy comes to her door?

3. Reese goes to jail for

4. As a result of the media coverage,Reese notices that

5. During her day spent with Sam, Beth begins to understandto

(see the answer keys)

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