The Decameron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the transgression of the abbess who is told in the middle of the night about a nun who has been caught with her lover?
(a) the abbess takes opium.
(b) the abbess is a vicious gossip.
(c) the abbess worships the Devil.
(d) the abbess also has a lover.

2. How does Ricciardo avoid being killed for his transgression?
(a) he agrees to pay a bag of gold.
(b) he agrees to marry Caterina.
(c) he jumps naked from the balcony and runs away.
(d) he pretends that he has lost him memory.

3. What do Messer Forese da Rabatta and Giotto di Bondone have in common with the Baronci family?
(a) they are Napalitans.
(b) they are Romans.
(c) they are ugly.
(d) they are religious.

4. For what crime does Tingoccio tell Meuccio that there is no real punishment?
(a) for having the affair with the mother of his godson.
(b) for stealing loaves of bread.
(c) for lusting after beautiful girls.
(d) for beating his wife.

5. Where does Tingoccio tell Meuccio he now is?
(a) in Heaven eating ambrosia with the angels.
(b) in limbo waiting for his judgment.
(c) in Hell for having an affair.
(d) in Purgatory explaining away his past sins.

Short Answer Questions

1. What suddenly happens to Monna Giovanna's son?

2. When Gualtieri finally marries, what does he decide to do?

3. What happens when Brother Onion reaches into the box supposedly containing Gabriel's feather?

4. On the road, how do Rabatta and Bondone dress?

5. What is the avocation of Gualtieri, the son of a wealthy marquis in Saluzzo?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the nun know that the abbess cannot punish her?

2. Explain how Peronella gets away with having a lover.

3. On the way home in the rain, what is Rabatta's insulting comment about his friend, Bondone?

4. How does Peronella turn the situation around and get her husband inside the barrel.

5. Besides his homely countenance, describe what Messer Forese da Rabatta is noted for.

6. How does Brother Onion recover when he takes the charcoal out of the box instead of the feather?

7. Explain the kind of work done by another ugly man by the name of Giotto di Bondone.

8. What does the daughter of Messer Lizio di Valbona, a rich knight, do that her father knows nothing about?

9. Although Frederigo would give anything to Monna Giovanna, why is it impossible for him to give her the falcon?

10. How are Caterina and Ricciardo found out?

(see the answer keys)

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