The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Monna Lisetta meet Brother Alberto?
(a) she is introduced by her sister.
(b) see meets him in the market.
(c) she hears him preach in church.
(d) she comes to Brother Alberto to confess her sins.

2. Who discovers what the monk is doing?
(a) the abbot of the monastery.
(b) the gardener.
(c) the woman's husband.
(d) the other monks in the monastery.

3. Why does Berto della Massa go to Venice and take on the identity of Brother Alberto?
(a) he wants to find out what monks do in their cells.
(b) he plans to steal gold from the church.
(c) he is such a liar that no one will have dealings with him.
(d) he is wanted for murder.

4. What does Ghismunda do with Guiscardo's heart?
(a) she keeps it in a silver box in her room.
(b) she buries it under a rose bush.
(c) she hides it under her bed.
(d) she mixes it with poison herbs, takes it, and dies.

5. After Ghismunda chooses Guiscardo as her lover, what complicates their relationship?
(a) they have nowhere to meet.
(b) Guiscardo's father is Tancredi's mortal enemy.
(c) Ghismunda becomes pregnant.
(d) they must meet in secret.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the first holy man send Alibech away?

2. What does Giannotto di Civigni want to do?

3. What does Abraham observe among the church leaders in Rome?

4. What results after Monna Lisetta believes Alberto's story and agrees to comply?

5. What does Pietro end up with that is worth more than the money he lost?

Short Essay Questions

1. What bothers Brother Alberto about one of the women who comes to him for confession?

2. What is the quandary the Florentine brothers find themselves in when Ciappelletto becomes so ill?

3. How does Tancredi discover the affair between Ghismunda and Guiscardo?

4. What is the ambition of Alibech and where does it take her?

5. What happens to Ciappelletto while staying with two Florentine brothers in Burgundy?

6. How dies Alatiel end up on the island of Majorca?

7. How does the handsome Masetto manage to become the gardener for a convent of eight nuns and an abbess?

8. What eventually transpires between Masetto and one of the nuns?

9. How does Masetto come to the attention of the abbess?

10. What ultimately happens after Ciappelletto dies?

(see the answer keys)

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