The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Decameron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the villagers look forward to the arrival of the monk from St. Anthony's monastery?
(a) they like to help the monks.
(b) they have a feast when he comes.
(c) they know he brings gifts.
(d) they like to hear his stories.

2. How does Rabatta insult Bondone?
(a) by saying that he should paint his face to hide the ugly.
(b) by saying he is so ugly a mirror breaks when he looks in.
(c) by saying a look at him and no one would guess he is an artist.
(d) by saying it is good that he is not an artist's model.

3. What happens when Brother Onion reaches into the box supposedly containing Gabriel's feather?
(a) he becomes frightened.
(b) he faints dead away.
(c) he falls to pieces.
(d) he pulls out a piece of charcoal.

4. What does Bondone say people would think after looking at Rabatta?
(a) he is too simple to know his alphabet.
(b) he looks more like a chimney sweep.
(c) he has shifty eyes like a criminal.
(d) he is so ugly he has to slip up on water to get a drink.

5. What is the passion of Frederigo, a man of noble birth who squanders his fortune for the love of Monna Giovanna?
(a) a prize falcon.
(b) a prize bull.
(c) a fabulous steed.
(d) a herd of prize sheep.

6. What causes Brother Onion's servant to leave his post?
(a) a game of dice.
(b) a pretty maid.
(c) a parade in the street.
(d) the smell of cooking meat.

7. Who discovers the two lovers the next morning in their compromising situation?
(a) Messer Lizio di Valbona.
(b) Caterina's brother.
(c) the butler.
(d) Caterina's mother.

8. With whom does Caterina fall in love?
(a) Juan Carlos da Vinci, a cousin of Lizio di Valbona.
(b) Ricciardo Manardi da Brettinoro, an enemy of Lizio di Valbona.
(c) Berto della Massa, a notorious liar.
(d) Ricciardo Manardi da Brettinoro, a friend of Lizio di Valbona.

9. What do the men leave in Brother Onion's room?
(a) a book with blank pages.
(b) a bag full of onions.
(c) a box with a piece of charcoal in it.
(d) a map to the place where they plan to hide the feather.

10. What does the abbess intend to do when she confronts the wayward nun?
(a) give her a stern lecture.
(b) console her.
(c) send her and everyone back to bed.
(d) take her confession.

11. While Peronella's husband is inside cleaning the barrel, what is Peronella doing?
(a) trying to think where her lover will get the money.
(b) bending over the barrel to supervise.
(c) rushing her lover out of the house.
(d) scolding her husband for leaving work.

12. When the weather does not change, what do Rabatta and Bondone decide to do?
(a) go back the way they came.
(b) rent a carriage.
(c) continue their trek.
(d) stay the night.

13. Why does the Brother from St. Anthony's monastery travel each year to a nearby village?
(a) to feed the poor.
(b) to give alms.
(c) to collect alms.
(d) to take confessions.

14. What does Don Gianni di Barolo have that shows his wealth?
(a) a servant to transport his goods.
(b) a donkey to transport his goods.
(c) a wagon to transport his goods.
(d) a mare to transport his goods.

15. How does Frederigo waste his fortune?
(a) on jewels and gifts to impress Monna Giovanna.
(b) on elaborate parties to impress Monna Giovanna.
(c) on travel to exotic places to impress Monna Giovanna.
(d) on jousts and other things to impress Monna Giovanna.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Peronella and her lover surprised one afternoon?

2. What euphemism does the story teller use for "the thing you are ashamed to mention among men?"

3. What do the two men who know Brother Onion plan to do?

4. What does Monna Giovanna offer Frederico for the fortune he lost trying to please her?

5. What is Ricciardo's plan after Caterina makes her bed on the balcony?

(see the answer keys)

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