The Death of Vivek Oji Test | Final Test - Medium

Akwaeke Emezi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Vivek Oji Test | Final Test - Medium

Akwaeke Emezi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of shop does Chisom have in the market?
(a) Sewing supplies.
(b) Fruit.
(c) Tires.
(d) Videos.

2. What does Maja not realize about Kavita's experience of Vivek's death until Kavita tells her in Chapter Eighteen?
(a) Kavita does not know who brought Vivek's body to her house.
(b) Kavita knows Vivek was robbed of his wallet when he died.
(c) Kavita knows Vivek was wearing a dress when he died.
(d) Kavita does know who killed Vivek.

3. How does Vivek know the person who saves him from the deadly mob violence in Chapter Eleven?
(a) Their parents went to college together.
(b) They are work colleagues.
(c) They know each other from the bar.
(d) They are neighbors.

4. Who does Ebenezer remember seeing on his way to make sure Chisom is alright the day the market burns?
(a) Chika looking for Vivek.
(b) Kavita looking for Chika.
(c) The attractive woman with the long hair arguing with a man.
(d) Mary looking for Ekene.

5. What does Vivek tell Osita to calm him down in the end of Chapter Thirteen?
(a) He will never tell Mary about this.
(b) He will make sure Elizabeth never finds out about this.
(c) He will make sure Osita gets back to school on time.
(d) Osita is safe.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Ahunna say in Vivek's dream about her?

2. Which of the Nigerwives had actually left her husband to move to another country?

3. What does Vivek think watching Juju and Osita from the afterlife?

4. What does Juju tell Elizabeth she thinks it is time for in Chapter Eighteen?

5. What does Osita do with Juju in Chapter Nineteen?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Juju tell about her family's secret in Part III and why does she tell this person?

2. Who is Chika having an affair with and why is this situation particularly awful for Kavita?

3. How does the government react to the burning of the market?

4. Why does Charles come back to Maja in Part IV?

5. What problem does Ebenezer have with his wife Chisom that threatens their marriage?

6. Why is Elizabeth so angry at Juju in Part IV?

7. What secret of her father's does Juju discover in Part III?

8. What significant dream does Vivek tell Osita about in Part IV?

9. How do the other friends - Somto, Olunne, and Osita - respond to Juju's assertion that they have to tell Kavita the truth about Vivek?

10. What does Vivek think about manhood as he explains it in Part III?

(see the answer keys)

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