The Death of Superman Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Superman Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Lois leave a message for before she leaves work in Chapter 1?

2. According to Cat Grant, which of the following characters is included on a list of names of those who have lived very public lives?

3. Which Justice League member's critical state prompts Booster Gold to fight the creature?

4. Where is a giant S drawn for Superman to see in Chapter 1?

5. Where does Fire say that Doomsday has possibly come from in Chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. How are Mitch's mother and sister trapped at the end of Chapter 3?

2. What happens when Superman first meets Doomsday?

3. What happens to Lois when she investigates the outage at the power station?

4. According to Superman's answer in Chapter 2, of what is he afraid?

5. What does Lois say about Charlie at the end of Chapter 1?

6. What is ironic about the situation Mitch finds himself in as Chapter 3 ends?

7. How does The Death of Superman begin? What statement does the beginning make?

8. What does Maxima find out about Doomsday as the Justice League tries to follow him in their aircraft?

9. What happens to Blue Beetle when he meets Doomsday in Chapter 2?

10. When asked about his position in the Justice League of America on the Cat Grant Show, how does Superman reply?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Lex Luthor's character in the novel represents contradicting issues during his conversations with Supergirl.

1) Describe Lex Luthor as he is depicted in the story and how he compares to his father.

2) Explain the reasons that Luthor gives to Supergirl in order to convince her to postpone helping Superman.

3) Analyze what you think Luthor's real agenda is, his opinions of Superman, and Superman's reaction to him.

Essay Topic 2

Compare and contrast the different philosophies that Superman and Maxima have in their battle against Doomsday. Include an explanation of how their philosophies factor into their actions while fighting Doomsday, the earlier disagreement that Maxima had with another Justice League member, why Maxima thinks a certain way, and Superman's differing priorities. Which approach is likely to be the most effective in fighting enemies?

Essay Topic 3

Superman's appearance on the Cat Grant Show provides an in-depth look at his thoughts, as well as a balance to the events taking place simultaneously.

1) Describe the style in which Superman's interview with Cat Grant is presented and where it appears on each page.

2) Explain Superman's thoughts on the other members of the Justice League of America and his position in the Justice League.

3) Describe the events that are taking place during Superman's interview and the balance that is created by showing his appearance on the television show in a particular way.

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