The Death of Superman Test | Final Test - Easy

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Superman Test | Final Test - Easy

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rusty say he is going to need as he walks outside to see Doomsday squash a police car?
(a) A tank.
(b) A bazooka.
(c) A bigger gun.
(d) A rocket launcher.

2. Why does Jonathan Kent think that the reporters are covering Superman a certain way?
(a) They are afraid for the survival of the city.
(b) They don't think anything bad can really happen to him.
(c) They have never seen him hurt before.
(d) They have seen him hurt worse before.

3. What character is Jimmy playing on his television show that is being taped?
(a) Beetle-Boy.
(b) Ant-Boy.
(c) Turtle-Boy.
(d) Frog-Boy.

4. How does Martha Kent think the reporters are treating Doomsday's attack on Superman?
(a) Like it is a boxing match.
(b) Like it's not that serious.
(c) Like it's not causing him pain.
(d) Like it is entertainment.

5. How long does Superman hope the lake's silt will prevent Doomsday from resurfacing in Chapter 4?
(a) A half hour.
(b) An hour.
(c) A few seconds.
(d) A few minutes.

6. Where does Superman see several chain reaction accidents with a lot of minor injuries as he flies above with the car he has caught in Chapter 5?
(a) Up and down three side streets.
(b) Up and down five side streets.
(c) Up and down both highways.
(d) Up and down only one highway.

7. Which laboratory is located in the mountain that Superman and Doomsday are fighting near?
(a) S.T.A.R. Labs.
(b) Hamilton Technologies.
(c) Cadmus Project.
(d) Wayne Tech.

8. What reason does Luthor give for agreeing that Supergirl should help Superman in Chapter 6?
(a) Metropolis must be preserved.
(b) Superman should not have to fight alone.
(c) Both Superman and Supergirl can defeat Doomsday.
(d) Supergirl can defeat Doomsday.

9. Which one of the Justice League members refuses medical treatment in Chapter 4?
(a) Guy Gardner.
(b) Blue Beetle.
(c) Booster Gold.
(d) Bloodwynd.

10. From which laboratory does Dubbilex think Doomsday might have come from in Chapter 6?
(a) Luthorcorp.
(b) Hamilton Technologies.
(c) Stagg Enterprises.
(d) Cadmus Project.

11. What does Lois repeatedly say into her tape recorder as she ends each section of her summary of the events she is witnessing?
(a) End of line.
(b) End of story.
(c) End of sentence.
(d) End of paragraph.

12. Which of the following is not one of the reasons that Luthor gives to Supergirl for why she should not help Superman fight Doomsday?
(a) Citizens will feel better knowing she is here.
(b) It is too dangerous.
(c) She should stay and protect Metropolis.
(d) Superman can handle it himself.

13. What nickname does Superman give to Doomsday after he attacks the helicopter in Chapter 4?
(a) Mr. Destructor.
(b) Mr. Destruction.
(c) Mr. Destructo.
(d) Mr. Destroyer.

14. What happens to Superman temporarily when Doomsday kicks him in mid-air in Chapter 6?
(a) He cannot use his heat vision.
(b) He loses his hearing.
(c) He loses his breath.
(d) He cannot fly.

15. While saving the pilots in the helicopter, how many people does Superman tell them are trapped in the wreckage in Chapter 4?
(a) Two dozen.
(b) A dozen.
(c) A half dozen.
(d) Three dozen.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the person that Superman tells the paramedic to contact for the medical records of the Justice League members located?

2. After Superman saves Mitch's family, where does Guy Gardner tell him to put Doomsday?

3. What instructions does Superman give to the underworld as he realizes that a gas main has been ruptured?

4. What does Superman say as he is crashing into the restaurant in Chapter 5?

5. What does Supergirl think that Doomsday must be while battling him?

(see the answer keys)

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