The Death of Superman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Death of Superman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Jurgens
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From what city are the underground monsters stealing the power?
(a) Smallville.
(b) New York.
(c) Houston.
(d) Metropolis.

2. What does Superman tell Cat Grant is unfair about the Justice League?
(a) The world does now know all of its members.
(b) More of them cannot live public lives.
(c) To paint him as the leader of the group.
(d) The group does not have more members.

3. Based on what Superman tells Cat Grant, when was the Justice League a dedicated group?
(a) Ever since he joined them.
(b) Shortly before he joined them.
(c) Long before he joined them.
(d) As long as he has known them.

4. How is Superman introduced in The Death of Superman?
(a) He is following Doomsday.
(b) He is changing from Clark Kent into Superman in a telephone booth.
(c) He is flying over the forest.
(d) He is flying over the city.

5. How long does Superman tell Mitch's mother he will cover her escape from Doomsday for in Chapter 3?
(a) More than a few seconds.
(b) Only a few seconds.
(c) Long enough for her to run.
(d) As long as he can.

6. How do the artists cleverly draw Superman's cape for the cover of The Death of Superman?
(a) As a surrender flag.
(b) Falling off a roof.
(c) Draped over the side of building.
(d) Folded in a triangle.

7. What part of the Justice League's aircraft is damaged from the creature's attack on them in Chapter 2?
(a) Engine.
(b) Steering.
(c) Hydraulics.
(d) Fuel tank.

8. What type of door is being hit in the beginning of Chapter 1?
(a) A lead door.
(b) A steel door.
(c) A brass door.
(d) A wood door.

9. As Superman explains, which members of the Justice League have a say and vote on issues?
(a) All of them.
(b) It depends on the situation.
(c) Most of them.
(d) Only the ones that want a say.

10. According to Superman in Chapter 2, how do heroes choose to protect good ?
(a) With their lives.
(b) With their strength.
(c) With their dedication.
(d) With their resilience.

11. How does the wildlife react to the creature in Chapter 1?
(a) It attempts to surround the creature.
(b) It flees from the creature.
(c) It runs towards the creature.
(d) It stops and stares at the creature.

12. What does Superman say when the other Justice League members agree to combine their powers against Doomsday?
(a) Now.
(b) Let's go.
(c) Do it.
(d) It's time.

13. As the Justice League battles Doomsday, what does Mitch's mother stop to do before trying to get her family to safety?
(a) Rescue a kitten from the line of fire.
(b) Give a woman directions.
(c) Help Ice out of the line of fire.
(d) Call the police.

14. Whom does Lois leave a message for before she leaves work in Chapter 1?
(a) Perry White.
(b) Jimmy Olsen.
(c) Clark Kent.
(d) Herself.

15. What surprises Superman about Doomsday after he withstands the attack from the Justice League in Chapter 3?
(a) His intelligence.
(b) His speed.
(c) His vision.
(d) His size.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is responsible for locking the monsters up in Chapter 1?

2. In her reminder to the man of steel, when was it that Cat Grant indicated Superman and another Justice League member came to blows?

3. How does Ice describe the creature's path of destruction in the woods in Chapter 2?

4. Who is the first Justice League member to call the monster Doomsday?

5. What does the creature smash Guy Gardner's face into in Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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