The Day of the Triffids Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Day of the Triffids Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bill note about the sheep and cattle?
(a) They are wandering.
(b) They are blind.
(c) They are sighted.
(d) They are restless.

2. What does Bill reiterate to Coker about triffids?
(a) He believes they are acts of God.
(b) He believes they talk.
(c) He believes they are all dead.
(d) He believes they are aliens.

3. What does Bill find in the hallway as he runs?
(a) Smoke.
(b) Fire.
(c) Debris.
(d) Water.

4. Who does Bill not find at Tynsham?
(a) Josella.
(b) Coker.
(c) Willard.
(d) Jack.

5. What does Bill discover has happened at Tynsham?
(a) The people have rioted.
(b) The plague has hit.
(c) The people have fled.
(d) The people have been killed by triffids.

6. What method does the group use next to search for Beadley's party?
(a) A fighter jet.
(b) A helicopter.
(c) A tank.
(d) A boat.

7. What does Josella realize as she explains her escape from Russell Square, and the gunshot?
(a) That Coker was the one who fired the shot.
(b) That Miss Durrant was the one who fired the shot.
(c) That Susan was the one who fired the shot.
(d) That Bill was the one who fired the shot.

8. Why can't Bill simply take Josella away from the farm?
(a) She refuses to leave.
(b) There are others who depend on her.
(c) They have no transportation.
(d) It is too dangerous.

9. What does Bill load up on at the beginning of Chapter Nine?
(a) Food.
(b) Weapons.
(c) Women.
(d) Water.

10. How does Bill suggest they begin to search for Josella in the Downs?
(a) Look for triffids.
(b) Look for smoke.
(c) Look for light.
(d) Look for people.

11. What is Bill tied to once allowed outside?
(a) Two blind women.
(b) A chair.
(c) A truck.
(d) Two tough blind men.

12. Why does Bill argue Coker would be better with Beadley group?
(a) He is too lazy.
(b) He is too driven.
(c) He is too religious.
(d) He is too smart.

13. What did Stephen Brennell do prior to the crisis?
(a) He was a lawyer.
(b) He was a member of a social club.
(c) He was a doctor.
(d) He was a member of the stock exchange.

14. What does Bill learn on the fifth day of his slavery that worries him?
(a) Half the group has died.
(b) There is despair spreading through the group.
(c) There is a sickness spreading through the group.
(d) Half the group has been lost.

15. Who organizes Tynsham?
(a) Joann.
(b) Josella.
(c) Miss Durrant.
(d) Howard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Coker explain is Bill's new job?

2. What attacks the group in the provision store?

3. What does the young blind woman offer Bill at the end of Chapter Eight?

4. Who does Dennis find in the village?

5. What does Bill begin to see in London proper?

(see the answer keys)

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