The Daughter of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Daughter of Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the only thing Mrs. Tinker read in the newspapers?
(a) Human interest stories
(b) Murder cases
(c) Sports articles
(d) Political articles

2. What does the Midget suggest he do?
(a) Read the expensive books his friends keep bringing him
(b) Watch television
(c) Listen to his iPod
(d) Play video games

3. Who is the second visitor?
(a) Mrs. Tracker
(b) Mr. Osbuld
(c) Miss Tucker
(d) Mrs. Tinker

4. What color was one of the objects brought?
(a) Sage green
(b) Ruby red
(c) Sunset pink
(d) Sky blue

5. What contemporary city map picture was bisected by a great fire?
(a) London
(b) Moscow
(c) San Francisco
(d) New Westminster

Short Answer Questions

1. What thought startled Grant awake?

2. What is the last thing the Midget suggests Grant should do?

3. What information does the his new visitor give him about Richard III?

4. How was Richard described?

5. What diagnosis did the Midget give Richard the Third before knowing who he was?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was King Richard the Third rumored to have killed and why?

2. What did Richard do to his mother?

3. Who was John Morton and why is he an important person?

4. Why doesn't Grant want to read?

5. What puzzles Grant about what he is learning about Richard the Third's fall from grace?

6. What kind of England existed in the days of the Wars of the Roses?

7. What arguments support the opinion that Richard Plantagenet and Cicely Nevill had a loving marriage?

8. What did this information do to Grant's opinion of More, and to his recovery?

9. Who does the Midget compare Richard III to and what similarities does that person possess as well?

10. What does Brent mention about the murder of the two princes?

(see the answer keys)

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