The Daughter of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Daughter of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with this theory?
(a) Henry himself had the princes killed
(b) Henry thought he had enough against Richard
(c) Henry bore no love for Richards family
(d) Henry was not of the Plantagenet family line; he was Tudor

2. What does Carradine want to do?
(a) Drop the research permanently on the peasants and win the respect of his peers
(b) Go to the press and demand they help him clear Richard the III in history books
(c) Drop the research on Richard and go back to the peasants
(d) Write a book about his findings about Richard the III

3. Where does Brent offer to bring Grant?
(a) Just out in general
(b) To the Tower of London
(c) To Greenwich and back by boat
(d) To the Palace

4. How many men did Rivers set out with?
(a) Two thousand
(b) Three thousand
(c) Eighteen hundred
(d) Fifteen hundred

5. Who has more motive to kill the boys now?
(a) Warwick
(b) Richard
(c) Grant
(d) Henry

6. How do the facts stack up against Richard and Henry?
(a) Richard has seven reasons to kill the boys, Henry has four reasons not to
(b) Richard has five reasons not to kill the boys, Henry has six reasons to kill them
(c) They both have equal reasons to do the boys in
(d) Richard has six reasons not to kill the boys, Henry has five reasons to kill them

7. What in Chapter 14 was Henry VII's first action as king?
(a) To try the men who fought with Richard at Bosworth for treason
(b) To murder the York heirs
(c) To kill Richard's nephews
(d) To execute Richard III

8. Out of those Richard had executed, who was most cherished?
(a) Joan Rivers
(b) Lord Stanley
(c) John Rivers
(d) Lord Hastings

9. What was Richard's first move when Edward died?
(a) Posting off to London, ordering his horse
(b) A requiem mass at York where all mobility swore allegiance to the prince
(c) He wept for the loss of his brother and his nephews father
(d) He went straight to the queen and his nephews to console them

10. Who was the IRA financed by?
(a) Holland
(b) The Catholic church
(c) Belgium
(d) Scotland

11. Who had a place of honor at Richard's coronation?
(a) Lady Stanley
(b) Lord Stanley
(c) Jane Stanley
(d) Jane Shore

12. What is the major problem with the tale of the martyrs?
(a) Those women never existed
(b) Those women were killed for treason
(c) The woman lived for another forty years after this incident
(d) Many denied it happening, and even twenty years later no eyewitnesses at all

13. Who was pardoned twice?
(a) Sir Henry IV
(b) Sir James Tyrell
(c) Sir William Tonnes
(d) Sir James Tyrrel

14. Who arrived when Brent left?
(a) Marta
(b) Sergeant Williams
(c) The Amazon
(d) The Matron

15. What time did Grant believe he would sleep to?
(a) Eight
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) Seven

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Henry do to Elizabeth Woodville?

2. What did the Bishop tell the council on the eighth of June?

3. How many conspirators were there in the plot to kill King Richard?

4. What was the name of Richard's love child?

5. What was the date that Edward died?

(see the answer keys)

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