The Dark-Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark-Thirty: Southern Tales of the Supernatural Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Leddy's son's name in "Boo Mama"?
(a) Nealy.
(b) Robert.
(c) William.
(d) George.

2. What does Laura do with the statue and doll after revisiting the shop in "The Gingi"?
(a) Buries them.
(b) Drowns them.
(c) Bombs them.
(d) Burns them.

3. Patricia McKissack's first book was a biography of what poet?
(a) Paul Lawrence Dunbar.
(b) Robert Frost.
(c) Edgar Allan Poe.
(d) e.e. cummings.

4. What time does Josie fall asleep after doing the ritual the conjure woman suggested in "The Conjure Brother"?
(a) 11:00 p.m.
(b) 12:30 a.m.
(c) 10:00 p.m.
(d) 10:30 p.m.

5. Where was Robert Kennedy assassinated?
(a) Los Angeles, CA.
(b) Portland, OR.
(c) Las Vegas, NV.
(d) Phoenix, AZ.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Leddy's son when she moves to the mountains and leaves behind society in "Boo Mama"?

2. What does the shopkeeper tell Laura the statue draws to it in "The Gingi"?

3. Where does Laura spot a sculpture which catches her eye in "The Gingi"?

4. Who tells Josie that no one has lived at the conjure woman's address for a long time in the ending of "The Conjure Brother"?

5. Where does the statue sit in Laura's home in "The Gingi"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the shopkeeper tell Laura about the object in "The Gingi"?

2. What does Laura encounter which causes her family to leave their home in "The Gingi"? Who is left behind?

3. What is the monster symbolic of in "The Chicken-Coop Monster"?

4. What is the moral of the story in "The Chicken-Coop Monster"?

5. How is Adam described in "The Conjure Brother"?

6. What happens when Josie awakens after performing her "ritual" in "The Conjure Brother"?

7. What happens when Josie awakens after revisiting the conjure woman in "The Conjure Brother"?

8. Who takes over Grady's route 25 years in the future in "The Woman in the Snow"? What does he encounter?

9. How does Leddy attempt to communicate with Nealy after he's found? What does she discover?

10. What happens in Laura's home after the purchases the sculpture in "The Gingi"?

(see the answer keys)

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