The Darkest Minds Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexandra Bracken
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Darkest Minds Test | Final Test - Easy

Alexandra Bracken
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 22, when Clancy was sent to Thurmond, what was the only thing his father told the staff they could not do?
(a) Leave scars.
(b) Electroshock treatment.
(c) Hypnotize him.
(d) Give him benzodiazepenes.

2. In Chapter 27, who demands to know what is going on when Clancy and Hayes confront Liam, Chubs, and Ruby?
(a) Mike.
(b) Olivia.
(c) Lizzie.
(d) Greg.

3. In Chapter 22, how many non-psychotic Oranges does Clancy believe there are?
(a) 5.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

4. In Chapter 28, where does Lizzie have cuts?
(a) Her calves.
(b) Her face.
(c) Her palms.
(d) Her forearms.

5. In Chapter 19, what does Ruby remember an Orange do that resulted in her having to scrub the floors the the Mess Hall?
(a) Told a doctor to stab all the medical staff.
(b) Told a guard to stab all the grownups.
(c) Told a PSF to open fire on every soldier he saw.
(d) Told a cafeteria worker to take a gun and shoot all the grownups.

6. In Chapter 29, how long did Chubs and Ruby have to stay in the water before they could get out?
(a) 45 minutes.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 90 minutes.
(d) An hour.

7. In Chapter 20, after Liam and Ruby wake, how much longer do they allow Zu and Chubs to sleep?
(a) About 3 hours.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 1 hour.
(d) About 90 minutes.

8. In Chapter 29, how does Chubs say that Jack was shot?
(a) Escaping.
(b) Protecting Zu.
(c) Protecting his sister.
(d) Protecting him.

9. In Chapter 28, who comes and tells Ruby that Clancy is hurt?
(a) Hayes.
(b) Lizzie.
(c) Olivia.
(d) Mike.

10. In Chapter 16, how long does it take for Liam to sleep and snore?
(a) About 45 minutes.
(b) 35 minutes.
(c) An hour or more.
(d) 65 minutes.

11. In Chapter 16, who does Ruby hear talking that makes her leave the tent where she is with Liam and Zu?
(a) Greg.
(b) Kyle.
(c) Collins.
(d) Kevin.

12. Where is Chubs shot in Chapter 30?
(a) Right thigh.
(b) Right shoulder.
(c) Left thigh.
(d) Left shoulder.

13. At the end of Chapter 28, where do Chubs and Ruby hide?
(a) In their cabin.
(b) In the storage room.
(c) In the forest.
(d) Under the dock.

14. In Chapter 24, where does Chubs go after arguing with Liam?
(a) Woods.
(b) Dock.
(c) Campfire.
(d) Cabin.

15. In Chapter 28, who does Clancy expect to come?
(a) The state police.
(b) Psi Special Forces.
(c) His father.
(d) Reds.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 16, where do Chubs and Ruby figure out that they need to go?

2. In Chapter 24, who does Chubs remind Liam about who are dead?

3. In Chapter 21, what does Chubs carry to the campground?

4. In Chapter 22, what project does Clancy tell Ruby that the Reds are a part of?

5. In Chapter 24, when does Clancy say that more requests to leave will be granted?

(see the answer keys)

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