The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Walter wear in order to prevent others from reading his thoughts when they are speaking to each other?

2. Which of the characters is having a fit at the start of this section, which the other characters help him through?

3. Susannah is surprised to see that the baby has a larger _________ than a baby should, as well as a full set of teeth.

4. Who has signed the title paper which Roland and Eddie have on them as they are trying to decide how to get back to Susannah?

5. Who is the woman who is pregnant with the demon child of Susannah and Roland, according to this story?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Jake suggest that he and Oy do when Jake realizes that Oy can not see the dinosaur that he sees?

2. Describe the fit that Sheemie is experiencing at the start of this section of the book, according to the manuscript.

3. What do the three men tell the group of travelers when they move through the door to the Thunderclap station?

4. What is the estimate of how many more times that Sheemie will be able to teleport before it's likely that he will die?

5. What does Susannah decide to do in order to escape from the place where Mordred and the others are keeping her?

6. What is the explanation that Finli offers as to why the Wolves didn't come back from their last expedition?

7. What is the dream that Sheemie has, which he shares with the others during this section of the story?

8. Why is Mordred angry with himself when he is just hours old and watching the characters talk about him?

9. What is the conclusion the people in the group seem to have about the role of the writer, Stephen King?

10. How was the child that Mia is giving birth to conceived, according to the content of the story?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The psychic link between Susannah and Mia allows Susannah to find out that Mia has agreed to help in any way that she can.

Part 1: Do you believe that a psychic link is possible in real life?

Part 2: How else might you use a psychic link if you were a part of the story?

Part 3: Why do you think that Mia decides that she wants to help Susannah during this story?

Essay Topic 2

Jake shakes off the people who are trying to get into his head, pushing away the psychic entry.

Part 1: Why do you think it's possible for Jake to push away the psychic attacks?

Part 2: How do you think you might handle someone trying to push into your mind?

Part 3: Why do you think that the vampires and other characters want to hurt Jake during this part of the story?

Essay Topic 3

Sheemie decides to hide in his room when the fighting is going on, something that seems to be a cowardly way to approach the tension.

Part 1: Do you think of the Sheemie character as being a very strong person?

Part 2: Do you think you would hide in another room if you heard that fighting was happening?

Part 3: How do you think a person should deal with fighting when they hear it, but are not a part of the argument?

(see the answer keys)

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