The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who decides they want to stay with Roland as opposed to going on the journey with Susannah, according to the story?
(a) Bill.
(b) Eddie.
(c) Patrick.
(d) Oy.

2. Roland says that stopping the _____________ was a means to an end in order for him to reach the tower.
(a) Writer.
(b) Others.
(c) Demons.
(d) Breakers.

3. Who gets Stephen King to promise to finish the Dark Tower series in order to help the characters out?
(a) Jake.
(b) Oy.
(c) Mrs. Tassenbaum.
(d) Roland.

4. Who is the first to notice the characters when they are approaching the Dark Tower, according to the descriptions in this section?
(a) Crimson King.
(b) Wolves.
(c) Dandelo.
(d) Mordred.

5. Who is the man that is going to hit Stephen King with his van if the characters can not stop the events from happening?
(a) Drew Lendet.
(b) Ted Bundy.
(c) Brian Smith.
(d) Joe Smith.

Short Answer Questions

1. Roland wishes that King would die instead of __________ when he sees the unplanned event that happens.

2. The world that Susannah enters again is not the main or the ____________ World, but she thinks it will do anyway.

3. What do the remaining travelers test and find that it is still working just as well as it always has since Roland received it?

4. Who finds themselves weeping more often as the journey continues throughout the book, according to this section?

5. What sort of statue is right across the street from the building Roland is going to enter in order to get more answers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Susannah believe is a lie in order to protect her from the idea that she will need to die in order to allow Roland to reach the tower?

2. What does the Crimson King do when he sees Roland and Patrick approaching the Dark Tower?

3. What does Jake end up doing in order to get the man to slow down, the one who is suposed to hit Stephen King?

4. What does Susannah feel when she is traveling to Fedic on the train at the start of this section of the book?

5. What does Roland gain in the end when he walks through the door which has his name on it?

6. What do Susannah and Roland do in order to increase their chances of survival in the cold weather?

7. What does Susannah find she is doing more and more as they continue to travel in this story?

8. What does Susannah find is happening to Roland when she leaves the bathroom after finding the note?

9. What does Roland ask Patrick to do, even though Patrick says that this will be a difficult task to do?

10. What happens when Susannah begins to laugh too hard when Joe Collins is showing them a comic routine?

(see the answer keys)

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