The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10, The Last Palaver (Sheemie's Dream), Chapter 11, The Attack on Algul Siento, and Chapter 12, The Tet Breaks.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The attack the travelers plan is scheduled to happen at the changing of the ____________.
(a) Password.
(b) Guard.
(c) Locks.
(d) Light.

2. What weapons does Susannah setup when they are getting ready to attack the others in this section of the story?
(a) Grenades.
(b) Laser guns.
(c) Rifles.
(d) Bow and arrows.

3. Who is the other father besides the Crimson King for Mordred, the baby birthed because of a demonic rape of Susannah and this other person?
(a) Roland.
(b) Callahan.
(c) Eddie.
(d) Jake.

4. The stone _______ is one example of things that the person in #37 needed to include and needed to write in order to stay alive.
(a) Turtle.
(b) Rose.
(c) Buddha.
(d) Tower.

5. What is Finli's other name, according to the story in this chapter and how he is referenced?
(a) Horse.
(b) Weasel.
(c) Bear.
(d) Badger.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who give the password to get through the door to Fedic when Roland and Eddie are ready to pass through?

2. Who tells Roland that he cannot go to Lovell until he has finished their business in the world right now?

3. __________ helps to transport the travelers back to a cave in Steek-Tete, so that they can be safe for a while.

4. What does the rose protect, according to the story that Eddie and Roland share with John?

5. Which of the characters is having a fit at the start of this section, which the other characters help him through?

(see the answer key)

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