The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Blue Heaven: Chapter 1, Devar-Tete, Chapter 2, The Watcher, and Chapter 3, The Shining Wire.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the place where Susannah is waiting for the others to find her, according to this story?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Genrur.
(c) Fedic.
(d) Ferir.

2. What does Susannah see in her vision about the author of the series? That he is hit by a ______ and dies as a result.
(a) Train.
(b) Van.
(c) Bus.
(d) Motorcycle.

3. What does the rose protect, according to the story that Eddie and Roland share with John?
(a) Reality.
(b) Crimson King.
(c) Beams of the tower.
(d) Themselves.

4. Who tells Roland that he cannot go to Lovell until he has finished their business in the world right now?
(a) Eddie.
(b) Sheemie.
(c) Jeremy.
(d) Jackson.

5. The stone _______ is one example of things that the person in #37 needed to include and needed to write in order to stay alive.
(a) Tower.
(b) Rose.
(c) Buddha.
(d) Turtle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Walter is happy that Stephen King is near death and will not write the last ___________ books about the Dark Tower.

2. What does John give back to Roland and to Eddie as they begin to part ways to go on their separate missions?

3. Who does Jake have trade places with him in the imaginary world, hoping to ensure they both can stay safe?

4. Susannah is surprised to see that the baby has a larger _________ than a baby should, as well as a full set of teeth.

5. Who is being pursued when Eddie and Roland are outside of the door, causing them to have to try to kill these people?

(see the answer key)

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