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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What influences Tomas' decision to get on the train?
2. How does Mina feel about Micha's determination?
3. Why does Andrej get angry with Micha?
4. What does Lore do to Tomas' belongings before she buries them?
5. How does Oma feel about Mutti and Vati's Nazi involvement?
Short Essay Questions
1. Oma explains to Lore that Vati and Mutti are good people despite their involvement. Explain Oma's situation and where she stands regarding Mutti and Vati.
2. In the short amount of time Micha spends in Belarus on his first visit, he receives various receptions of his German background. Compare and contrast Andrej's and his mother's reception of Micha to the grandfather at the museum's.
3. Jozef explains to Micha how the soldiers are able to kill the Jews without self-blame. How is this done?
4. Jochen dies from Russian soldiers shooting at him. What is the significance of his death? Why does Seiffert add this to Lore's story?
5. Many Holocaust images are posted to spread the truth of what occurred during the war. What are the people's views in regards to the photos?
6. What is Micha's search for the truth doing to the family?
7. Only Micha seems adamant on searching the truth about Opa. What is Mutti and Vati's point of view in regards to Opa?
8. Micha is insistent in his search for the truth to the point that it breaks up his family and angers his girlfriend. Explain Micha's drive to discover the truth about his Opa.
9. Describe Micha's family dynamics.
10. The children take a family picture to send to Mutti. What is Lore's reflection about the changes in her and her siblings?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Helmut is a photographer's assistant, Lore looks at her family photo, and Micha compares his Opa's pictures to Hitler and Jozef's. Explain the significance of pictures in Seiffert's novel. Without going into too much detail of each picture, write about how pictures in general tell a person's truth and lies.
Essay Topic 2
Discuss the significance of the posted pictures of the Holocaust. Why are they posted? How do the Germans receive them? What issues come up concerning the pictures?
Essay Topic 3
Many characters in the novel are shown doing both good and bad deeds. Write about what makes a person good or bad. What goes into the title of good or bad?
This section contains 1,315 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |