The Dark Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Room Test | Final Test - Medium

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What news does Mutti give about Vati in Section 6?
(a) He is dead.
(b) He is safe.
(c) He is in a Russian prison.
(d) He is out of contact.

2. What is Micha afraid to tell the person he is staying with?
(a) That he is looking for his Opa.
(b) That he is in search of Opa's true background.
(c) That he is a schoolteacher.
(d) That he is part Jewish.

3. Where does Micha go to search the truth about his Opa?
(a) Grodno.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Auschwitz.
(d) Minsk.

4. Why does Andrej get angry with Micha?
(a) Micha is rude to Andrej's mother.
(b) Micha let Kolesnik visit Andrej's home.
(c) Andrej finds out about Micha's Opa.
(d) Andrej learns Micha is German.

5. Who speaks with Micha at the train station before he leaves again to search the truth about his Opa?
(a) Bernd.
(b) Mina.
(c) Vati.
(d) Luise.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Micha cry for when he cries about Opa's past?

2. What does Micha bring back for Elena?

3. Who does Micha stay with during his time away?

4. What feelings does Micha have for Jozef?

5. Who comforts Lore as she cries in bed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Mutti's reaction to Jochen. Why does she react this way?

2. Micha is insistent in his search for the truth to the point that it breaks up his family and angers his girlfriend. Explain Micha's drive to discover the truth about his Opa.

3. Only Micha seems adamant on searching the truth about Opa. What is Mutti and Vati's point of view in regards to Opa?

4. What is Micha's search for the truth doing to the family?

5. Jozef and Elena recount their experiences of the German occupation. Summarize what it is like in Belarus during WWII.

6. The children take a family picture to send to Mutti. What is Lore's reflection about the changes in her and her siblings?

7. Describe Micha's feelings for his Opa as time goes on as he continues his search for the truth.

8. In the short amount of time Micha spends in Belarus on his first visit, he receives various receptions of his German background. Compare and contrast Andrej's and his mother's reception of Micha to the grandfather at the museum's.

9. At first, Micha goes to the Kolesniks for his knowledge but over time, Elena is the one to request Micha's visit. What is the basis behind Micha's relationship with the Kolesniks?

10. Lore is hesitant about Tomas when they first meet. What are Lore's feelings as time progresses?

(see the answer keys)

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