The Dark Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Lore and the children able to get food when there is no money?
(a) They beg from farmers or dig up their potatoes.
(b) They buy food with coupons.
(c) They are unable to get food for days.
(d) They offer farmers labor in exchange for food.

2. To what does Helmut devote one photo from each roll of film?
(a) A picture of his cellar.
(b) A picture of himself.
(c) A picture of his old neighborhood.
(d) A picture of the train station.

3. What motivates Helmut to exercise his arm?
(a) He wants to make Gladigau proud.
(b) He wants to join the army.
(c) He believes it will help him be a better photographer.
(d) He wants to impress Edda.

4. Who helps Helmut when he is confronted at the train station?
(a) A soldier.
(b) A stranger.
(c) The train station guard.
(d) Papi.

5. How does Gladigau view Papi and his family?
(a) Gladigau tries to help them achieve prosperity.
(b) Gladigau respects their status.
(c) Gladigau abhors the way Papi treats his family.
(d) Gladigau views Papi strictly as an employee.

Short Answer Questions

1. What disagreement occurs between Gladigau and Helmut?

2. Which of Helmut's family portraits does Papi usually prefer?

3. Where is Gladigau after the second bombing?

4. Who are Gladigau's most common clients?

5. Where is their destination when Lore and her siblings leave the hideout?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the Americans question Lore, Tomas shows up with papers and tells them they are a family. What do the papers show and why does Seiffert mention a tattoo on Tomas' arm?

2. Tomas helps Lore and her family out of trouble and follows them. Why? What does he gain from the situation? Is he just being nice?

3. Refugees come through Berlin and some speak of a brutal Soviet army the size of a continent. Others deny their truths and say it is not so. Why is it hard to know what is true and what is not? Who is right?

4. The Third Reich is at its height when Helmut is a teenager. How does this age and Helmut's life affect his acceptance and loyalty to the Third Reich?

5. Lore asks the woman for more food for her siblings but the woman initially responds with a look of possible fear. Why might the woman be afraid?

6. Helmut is not strong or smart. Yet, there are indications that Helmut is clever about getting what he wants. Give an example of how Helmut shows his clever ways.

7. Helmut loses his parents and Gladigau is away. Helmut is often cold, hungry, and completely alone. How does he feel about the war at this stage?

8. As part of Papi's pay, Gladigau takes family portraits while Helmut grows up. How do the family portraits play a role in this story and what progression is observed from when Helmut is a newborn to the last individual photo?

9. At night, when the bombs are close, Helmut shouts at the noise. Why does he feel this need? What does it do for him?

10. At the beginning of the war efforts, Helmut is intent on joining the army. Despite his arm, he is adamant about joining. Why is the army so vital in Helmut's life?

(see the answer keys)

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