The Dark Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Room Test | Final Test - Easy

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are the conversations like between Micha and Luise?
(a) They often talk about Micha's new baby to avoid confrontation.
(b) They are forced because of Mina.
(c) They are on the same page about Opa.
(d) Their conversations turn into arguments about their family's reaction to Opa.

2. How does Mina feel about Micha's determination?
(a) Mina does not mind as long as the family remains together.
(b) Angry that he is not focusing on the present.
(c) She is hesistant about what he may find.
(d) Supportive of his passion.

3. Who else wants to know the truth if Micha finds it?
(a) Luise.
(b) Vati.
(c) Mutti.
(d) Mina.

4. Who is at the center of Micha's mental family tree?
(a) His Opa.
(b) His Mutti.
(c) His Vati.
(d) His Oma.

5. What is Tomas' reaction when Lore questions him about fathers in prison?
(a) He gets angry.
(b) He is sympathetic.
(c) He shuts down and does not say anything.
(d) He denies knowing anything.

6. What does Lore overhear on the train?
(a) Vati and Mutti are in prison.
(b) Tomas is a fugitive.
(c) The Nazi trials are underway.
(d) The pictures posted all around are fakes.

7. Whose grave does Micha visit?
(a) Opa's.
(b) Jozef's.
(c) Elena's.
(d) Oma's.

8. Where does Micha stay on his last visit to Opa's old World War II station?
(a) Andrej's.
(b) Jozef's home.
(c) In a hotel.
(d) His Oma's old house.

9. What is Kolesnik's reply when Micha asks if he is sad?
(a) That the only thing he feels is sadness.
(b) That he gets sad when he talks about it but tries to move on.
(c) That he is not sad.
(d) That he lost sadness a long time ago, even before the Germans came.

10. What condition is Oma's house in?
(a) The house is literally gone and burnt down.
(b) The backyard is gone but most of the house remains.
(c) Mostly bombed out with parts of the first floor remaining.
(d) Mostly intact with some bricks missing.

11. Why does Lore stop seeing Tomas?
(a) Wiebke tells her it is shameful.
(b) Oma is suspicious of her whereabouts.
(c) His angry response to her.
(d) Lore discovers his secret and is appalled.

12. What is it about Micha's school that angers him?
(a) That his school does not teach about the labor camps.
(b) He sees hints of racism in the school curriculum.
(c) They cover the Nazi regime as only a small part of history.
(d) The way the children learn about the occupations.

13. Which character gives up their own bed for the children to sleep on?
(a) The neighbor next door.
(b) Oma.
(c) Tomas.
(d) Wiebke.

14. What sign of trouble does Tomas see when Lore and her siblings attempt to get on the train?
(a) The train is moving while passengers are boarding.
(b) A crazy man with a brick running at them.
(c) A soldier with a gun.
(d) There is no space on the train.

15. What news does Mutti give about Vati in Section 6?
(a) He is in a Russian prison.
(b) He is safe.
(c) He is dead.
(d) He is out of contact.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Elena angry with Micha?

2. What surprise does Micha learn about Opa?

3. What secret do the children keep from Oma and Wiebke?

4. How does Oma feel about Mutti and Vati's Nazi involvement?

5. What does Lore notice when the children take a picture together?

(see the answer keys)

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