The Dark Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Room Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Americans question Lore on the road?
(a) Lore tells them they are with the young man.
(b) The young man shows them papers and tells them they are siblings on their way to Oma's.
(c) She cannot understand so she ignores them and walks on.
(d) Lore tells them she is on the way to Fulda.

2. What is the reaction of the refugees when they first meet Helmut?
(a) Many beg him for bread.
(b) Most ignore him.
(c) They resent him for not fighting in the front.
(d) They curse him for his crooked arm.

3. Who is the first to indicate Helmut's disability to him?
(a) The train station guard.
(b) Gladigau.
(c) The sports teacher.
(d) Papi.

4. What does Helmut enjoy most about the train station?
(a) People watching.
(b) Talking to the guard.
(c) Watching the train engineers.
(d) The noise.

5. Where are the children when Lore sees the crowd by the tree?
(a) Playing with a young man they meet in the square.
(b) Already at the tree with the crowd.
(c) Waiting at a railway station.
(d) In the bread line.

6. What transaction occurs between Mutti and the visitors from the jeep?
(a) Mutti hands them money and jewelry.
(b) They search her home.
(c) They both sign some papers.
(d) They hand Mutti some food.

7. How does Helmut react to his photos of the gypsies?
(a) He is angry that he took the pictures instead of trying to stop the SS.
(b) He is angry at the results.
(c) He is excited about the bright colors of the gypsy clothing.
(d) He is surprised at the good action shots.

8. To what does Helmut devote one photo from each roll of film?
(a) A picture of himself.
(b) A picture of his cellar.
(c) A picture of the train station.
(d) A picture of his old neighborhood.

9. What happens to Mutti and Papi after the second bombing?
(a) They are assumed to have evacuated.
(b) They are assumed dead.
(c) They are stuck under the rubble.
(d) They are hiding in the cellar.

10. How are Helmut's winters described?
(a) Cold at the train station.
(b) Cozy in the cellar.
(c) Sleepless overall.
(d) Lonely in the dark room.

11. What do patrons at the shop give instead of money for food?
(a) Coupons.
(b) Any goods the man behind the counter needs.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Jewelry.

12. How does the reader know the woman who helps Lore is also in bad shape?
(a) The blankets she lends them are worn through.
(b) The food she offers is spoiled.
(c) There is no soap or extra food.
(d) She lives in a shed.

13. Where does Helmut make a home after his is destroyed?
(a) In a cellar.
(b) In Gladigau's shop.
(c) In an abandoned bakery.
(d) At the train station.

14. What major obstacle must Lore face on their way to Oma's?
(a) There is no money for food.
(b) There is no post or trains available.
(c) They cannot remember where Oma's house is.
(d) It is winter season and bitterly cold.

15. What does Helmut notice during the family beach vacation?
(a) He may be strong enough to be a soldier.
(b) It seems as empty there as in the city.
(c) His arm is strong but his body is weak.
(d) Mutti and Papi are still proud of his work.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Helmut's parents deny his birth defect?

2. What bad sign occurs on the first day of the children's trip?

3. What changes described in Section 3 are occurring in Germany's economy?

4. What does Lore see in some public pictures?

5. What is Helmut's political stance in 1945 as described in Section 5?

(see the answer keys)

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