The Dark Room Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Room Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Rachel Seiffert
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Micha," Belarus, Summer 1998.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who commits suicide just days after Helmut's last photo?
(a) Hitler.
(b) Helmut.
(c) Churchill.
(d) Papi.

2. What secret is Tomas holding from Lore?
(a) He stole the papers from a dead Jew.
(b) Tomas plans to leave without saying goodbye.
(c) Tomas killed a man for the papers.
(d) Tomas knows where Vati is.

3. What sign of trouble does Tomas see when Lore and her siblings attempt to get on the train?
(a) A crazy man with a brick running at them.
(b) A soldier with a gun.
(c) The train is moving while passengers are boarding.
(d) There is no space on the train.

4. What bothers Micha about Mina's background?
(a) Mina does not consider herself German.
(b) Micha believes she considers herself Turkish first.
(c) Mina does not care about the German culture.
(d) Mina is part Jewish.

5. What indicates the closeness between Lore's family and Tomas?
(a) Juri sleeps in Tomas' lap on the train.
(b) Tomas carries Peter as often as Lore.
(c) Leisel and Juri fight to sleep next to Tomas.
(d) Tomas and Lore always sleep with their arms touching.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mina feel about Micha's determination?

2. What does Helmut notice about the train station?

3. What does Lore leave behind when Lore and the children leave a woman's home?

4. What does Gladigau's neighborhood look like when Helmut finds it?

5. What is Helmut's political stance in 1945 as described in Section 5?

(see the answer key)

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