Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who attempts to capture Batman on the roof of the television studio?
(a) Commissioner Gordon.
(b) Harvey Dent.
(c) The Gotham City Police.
(d) The Joker.

2. After the television incident, how do Batman and Robin pursue the Joker?
(a) On motorcycles.
(b) In a footrace.
(c) On scooters.
(d) In the Batmobile.

3. Who sets off the explosives in the Tunnel of Love while still inside?
(a) Batman.
(b) Commissioner Gordon.
(c) Robin.
(d) The commissioner.

4. What did the Joker want to accomplish with his latest action against Batman?
(a) He wanted the police to find and kill Batman,
(b) He wanted to see the look on Batman's face.
(c) He wanted to kill Batman.
(d) He wanted the police to believe Batman killed him.

5. Who is named as the new commissioner of Gotham City's police force?
(a) Harvey Dent.
(b) Commissioner Loeb.
(c) Commissioner Yindel.
(d) Bruce Wayne.

Short Answer Questions

1. When chaos and riots erupt all over Gotham after the nuclear bombs, Batman and Robin go out on the streets to try to establish order. What are they riding?

2. Who retires from Gotham's police force?

3. The lawyers for the Mutants still in jail argue that the members should be released for what reason?

4. When at the Mutants' headquarters, the dump, for the second time, what does Batman finally accomplish?

5. Who snaps back to reality after being in a comatose state once he hears Batman has returned?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do the citizens' reactions to the electromagnetic pulse show that Batman's work is far from over?

2. What is the "spirit" Commissioner Gordon refers to when he says, "The spirit spreads as fast as a fire."?

3. Why does the knowledge that Batman keeps count of the scores of people The Joker has killed make the Joker happy?

4. What does Clark Kent/Superman mean when he says, " a murderer, you'd cover it up again"?

5. During the pursuit from the Gotham City Police at Selina Kyle's escort surface, Batman thinks about Commissioner Gordon's words. What did Commissioner Gordon mean when he told Bruce that he makes the wrong enemies and all it would take is one bullet?

6. Why does Batman think of Robin as a good soldier as she falls from the broken cable?

7. How does The Joker attempt to have one last laugh at Batman's expense?

8. How does Batman utilize his brain instead of his brawn when fighting the Mutants' leader a second time?

9. Batman shouts at an image and tells it to "stop laughing." What is the significance of Batman seeing the Joker laughing at him long after the Joker has died?

10. Why does the author include the stories of Arnold Crimp and Iron Man Vasquez?

(see the answer keys)

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