Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alfred tell Bruce Wayne he has a recipe for?
(a) Cake.
(b) Soup.
(c) Poison.
(d) Cookies.

2. Carrie and her friend decide to cut through where to get home?
(a) The Gotham City square.
(b) The dump.
(c) The arcade.
(d) The woods.

3. The news announces that disappearance of which character recently released from Akham?
(a) Robin.
(b) Harvey Dent.
(c) The Joker.
(d) Batman.

4. What does Commissioner Gordon do to his stalker?
(a) He loses him in the crowds.
(b) He has him arrested.
(c) He kills the stalker.
(d) He captures him.

5. While having a private drink, Commissioner Gordon is happy about whose retirement?
(a) His own.
(b) Harvey Dent's.
(c) The Joker's.
(d) Bruce Wayne's.

Short Answer Questions

1. The unseasonable weather in Gotham City is responsible for a major rise in what?

2. Which character said, "We must believe our private demons can be defeated..."?

3. Who does Commissioner Gordon believe was leaking information to the media?

4. Who dies when the helicopter explodes?

5. The night after Harvey Dent's release, Bruce Wayne has a flashback about what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the author write the words Morrie uses to describe Batman, "...morally bankrupt, politically hazardous, reactionary, paranoid...," on the panel of the Joker smiling and staring gleefully at the television?

2. How is the demon metaphor for Batman further promoted during Bruce Wayne's sleepwalking and flashback scene?

3. One of the criminals Batman hurt attempts to sue him and asks the Gotham City Police to press charges against him. What is the irony of these actions?

4. How does Batman's age affect his body during the initial nights of his return?

5. How is the media's report on Batman's return representative of the theme of duality in the novel?

6. What is the importance of mentioning the new commissioner search in the same segment as the search for the missing child?

7. How does Batman continue to use fear to cripple the younger criminals he encounters?

8. What does Bruce Wayne means when he tells the news reporter, "We must believe that our private demons can be defeated..."?

9. What is the significance of Bruce Wayne watching The Mask of Zorro on television?

10. Why does Batman automatically accept Carrie as Robin as opposed to finding and selecting his own candidate for the position?

(see the answer keys)

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