Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells the viewing audience about Harvey Dent's dollar coin?
(a) Bruce Wayne.
(b) A news anchor.
(c) Commissioner Gordon.
(d) Superman.

2. After forcing the bank robbers to crash in their car, who does Batman tell, "These men are mine!"?
(a) Harvey Dent.
(b) The Gotham City Police Officers.
(c) Commissioner Gordon.
(d) Robin.

3. What does Batman want to know about the character he is chasing off the roof tops?
(a) His boss.
(b) His next attack.
(c) His bombmaker.
(d) His identity.

4. According to the news report, who has taken over Gotham's underworld?
(a) The Joker.
(b) The Mutants.
(c) Harvey Dent.
(d) Batman.

5. What does the Mutants' leader do at their meeting?
(a) He rallies the group to commit more crimes.
(b) He speaks about forgiveness.
(c) He rallies the group to surrender to Batman.
(d) He rallies the group to battle each other.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the battle with the Mutants, who helps Batman as he lay in the bat cave?

2. With whom does Commissioner Gordon share a private drink at the beginning of the novel?

3. During the newscast in the beginning of the novel, the news anchor mentions it is the tenth anniversary of what?

4. After visiting an old friend at the beginning of the novel, where does Bruce Wayne leave his car?

5. Who do the bank robbers say killed Batman?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Crime Alley during the Mutants' attempted mugging, Bruce Wayne believes the new criminals are a "purer breed" of the man who murdered his parents. What does this mean?

2. What is the importance of mentioning the new commissioner search in the same segment as the search for the missing child?

3. Why does Lana state that Batman is the rebirth of the American fighting spirit?

4. When Gordon relights the bat signal, what effects does this have on Gotham City?

5. Why is it important to note that Harvey Dent has returned to a life of crime?

6. Why does Batman feel that falling to his death he runs between the two towers on a cable being shot out by Harvey Dent's thug would be a fine death?

7. One of the criminals Batman hurt attempts to sue him and asks the Gotham City Police to press charges against him. What is the irony of these actions?

8. How does Lana Lang's words, "We live in the shadow of crime, Ted, with the unspoken understanding that we are victims--of fear, of violence, of social impotence..." equate to Batman's beliefs?

9. When Commissioner Gordon and Bruce Wayne talk over drinks, what is the significance of Bruce Wayne referring to himself in the third person?

10. What is the symbolic significance of the split panels for the illustrations in the scene before Harvey Dent's new face is revealed?

(see the answer keys)

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