Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the criminal who tapped into the television station's antenna want from the viewing public?
(a) 5 million dollars.
(b) A car.
(c) World domination.
(d) 1 million dollars.

2. The Mutants kidnap the important heir of a wealthy family? What is the heir's name?
(a) Kevin Ridley.
(b) Batman.
(c) Alfred.
(d) Carrie Kelley.

3. While walking around Gotham City, where does Bruce Wayne end up?
(a) The subway.
(b) Home.
(c) Gotham City Bank.
(d) The alley where his parents were murdered.

4. Which character believes that Harvey Dent shouldn't be released?
(a) Commissioner Gordon.
(b) Bruce Wayne.
(c) The news anchor.
(d) Alfred.

5. What movie triggers a flashback for Bruce Wayne?
(a) Star Trek.
(b) The Mask of Zorro.
(c) Dirty Harry.
(d) Superman.

6. In their meeting on the roof of one of Gotham City's twin towers, what does Batman tell Commissioner Gordon about Harvey Dent?
(a) Dent is innocent.
(b) Dent is possessed.
(c) Dent is a smart man.
(d) Dent is dead.

7. Who dies when the helicopter explodes?
(a) One helicopter pilot.
(b) The Joker.
(c) Four criminals.
(d) The Mutants' leader.

8. After a perilous chase, who does Batman finally tackle and uncover his identity?
(a) A Mutants gang member.
(b) Harvey Dent.
(c) The Scarecrow.
(d) The Joker.

9. In Book 1, in the back of the cab, what is happening to a woman while the driver looks away?
(a) She is crying.
(b) She is singing.
(c) She is drunk.
(d) Her pimp is cutting her face.

10. While having a private drink, Commissioner Gordon is happy about whose retirement?
(a) Bruce Wayne's.
(b) The Joker's.
(c) His own.
(d) Harvey Dent's.

11. Which character says, "I burn you--burning you, I flare, hot and bright and fierce."?
(a) Harvey Dent.
(b) Commissioner Gordon.
(c) Batman.
(d) Superman.

12. During Batman's battle with the Mutants, who comes out of hiding to save Batman?
(a) Commissioner Gordon.
(b) Batgirl.
(c) Robin.
(d) Superman.

13. When Bruce Wayne wakes up from his flashback, Alfred notices what has happened to Bruce Wayne's face?
(a) It is dirty.
(b) It is younger.
(c) His mustache has been shaved off.
(d) It is scratched.

14. It's summer in Gotham City, and what is wrong with the weather?
(a) There are floods.
(b) It's raining a lot.
(c) It is snowing.
(d) It's unseasonably hot.

15. When approaching the army surplus helicopter, what does the gas Batman throws at the criminal do?
(a) Makes them itch.
(b) Makes them go to sleep.
(c) Makes them laugh.
(d) Makes them relive their greatest fear.

Short Answer Questions

1. Carrie and her friend decide to cut through where to get home?

2. What do the Gotham City Police do to Commissioner Gordon?

3. On the roof, Batman tells Commissioner Gordon that what two items were stolen?

4. Why doesn't Bruce Wayne drive his car home after leaving the house of an old friend?

5. According to the news account, who did the two abducted children say saved them?

(see the answer keys)

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