The Dark Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who prepares the food in Camara's house?

2. What does Camara's grandmother always do as soon as he arrives?

3. What does Camara's grandmother tell him every time she sees him?

4. What does Camara think about country people?

5. What does Camara's father do when he hears the douga?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where are Camara's parents' huts located, and what are the consequences of living in that location?

2. Describe the behavior of Camara's school teacher in the French school he attended as a child.

3. How does Camara help out in the rice fields during the harvest?

4. What is Camara thinking while he is in the rice fields with all the reapers?

5. What happens when Camara's friend Kouyate Karmoko says that he's had enough after a particularly cruel beating?

6. Describe the douga. What is its association to Camara's father's gold work?

7. Camara remembers seeing a snake for the first time and being fascinated with its glittering eyes. What does he do to the snake, and what happens next?

8. How did Camara's father know about this specific task of gold work, and how did he prepare himself to execute the work?

9. What is the result of years of abuse for the school children?

10. One day, Camara finds a little black snake with a strikingly marked body. What is special about this snake?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

After the gold work of Camara's father is finished, the praise-singer bursts into a douga. Describe in your own words, based on the context of the book, what a douga is. What is its influence on the people of Camara's community? Why is it sung? How do the characters react to it? What is its negative side effect? Why is it important in the African culture?

Essay Topic 2

Towards the last chapters of the book, the ocean plays an important role in Camara's life. What does the ocean symbolize? What happens at the ocean? How is love related to this theme? Why is the ocean special and different from what he knows? What does his love of the ocean foreshadow? How is the ocean important in the last chapter? Relate Camara's actions in chapter 12 to his aspirations in chapter 10.

Essay Topic 3

The rice season in Tindican is something Camara does not want to miss. The harvest starts with a tradition. Describe this tradition and discuss Camara's thoughts about the tradition. What does this tell you about the character of Camara? Compare/contrast his personality to that of his parents.

(see the answer keys)

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