The Dark Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Dark Child Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the older boys and men do after the procession?
(a) They go home.
(b) They drink and eat.
(c) They stay out for the night.
(d) They sing.

2. What is the quality of the instruction in Camara's school when he returns to it?
(a) Funny.
(b) Poor.
(c) Excellent.
(d) Uninteresting.

3. What has happened to Camara's school when he returns to it?
(a) It has been burnt down.
(b) It has become even less interesting.
(c) It has been destroyed by a flood.
(d) It has been reorganized.

4. How long do Camara, Kouyate, and Check sometimes disappear together during holidays?
(a) Entire days.
(b) Entire afternoons.
(c) Several hours.
(d) Entire evenings.

5. How does Camara feel about the transition from childhood to manhood?
(a) Comfortable.
(b) Happy.
(c) Eager.
(d) Apprehensive.

6. When does Camara leave home?
(a) When he's fifteen.
(b) When he's twelve.
(c) When he's sixteen.
(d) When he's fourteen.

7. What do the guests shower the boys with during the circumcision ceremony?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Gifts.
(c) Water.
(d) Handkerchiefs.

8. Where does Camara pedal to with Marie?
(a) The desert.
(b) The river.
(c) The beach.
(d) The forest.

9. When does Marie spend time at Mamadou's house?
(a) On Sundays.
(b) On Saturdays.
(c) In the evenings.
(d) On weekdays.

10. How does Camara's mother light up his bed?
(a) With a match.
(b) With a flashlight.
(c) With a torch.
(d) With an oil lamp.

11. What is Camara's mother concerned about when he is home on vacation?
(a) About some of the young men he associates with.
(b) About some of the children he associates with.
(c) About some of the farmers he associates with.
(d) About some of the young women he associates with.

12. The dancing goes on how long after the circumcision ceremony and before the boys are taken to a special hut where they will stay?
(a) Three weeks.
(b) A month.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) A week.

13. What does Camara's father give Camara when he leaves home?
(a) A tom-tom.
(b) A he-goat's horn.
(c) A he-sheep's horn.
(d) A harp.

14. The boys receive a handkerchief made of what for their circumcision ritual?
(a) Plastic.
(b) Cotton.
(c) Wool.
(d) Silk.

15. How does Camara's father react when he tells him about his plans to study abroad?
(a) He starts crying.
(b) He starts screaming.
(c) He is opposed to the idea.
(d) He is supportive.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of landscape does Camara see that he has never seen before while on the train to Conakry?

2. What does Camara's mother do right before he leaves home?

3. What does Camara find on the honor roll at his school every term?

4. How does Camara feel about his mother's behavior each time he comes back home to find she has made improvements?

5. How do the other boys feel when Camara puts Marie on his bicycle?

(see the answer keys)

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