The Da Vinci Code Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Da Vinci Code Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Teabing confirms that Da Vinci hid clues about what in his artwork?
(a) the keystone
(b) the cryptex
(c) the Priory of Sion's founder
(d) the Holy Grail

2. While Sophie and Langdon try to find a docent to point them toward the tomb, who has already found it?
(a) Collet
(b) the Teacher
(c) Silas
(d) Vernet

3. Sophie recounts her story discovering her grandfather was involved in what?
(a) illegal gambling
(b) a smuggling ring
(c) a sex rite
(d) a murder plot

4. Where does Teabing live?
(a) Paris
(b) Brussels
(c) Versailles
(d) London

5. The vial of ___________ within the keystone shatters and the liquid leaks out.
(a) alcohol
(b) green dye
(c) vinegar
(d) red dye

6. Teabing loses his balance, sending what flying through the air, during the confrontation with Silas?
(a) the keystone
(b) a vase
(c) a painting
(d) the gun

7. How is the text of the unfamiliar script on the inlay coded?
(a) It is written backwards
(b) it is a series of letters meant to represent other letters.
(c) It is a series of letters meant to represent numbers.
(d) It is a series of numbers meant to represent letters.

8. When he realizes that he must go to London, Aringarosa bribes the pilot with what?
(a) a diamond ring
(b) money
(c) a silver watch
(d) a gold necklace

9. What the police do not know is that before they arrived Remy, Langdon, and Sophie, carrying the monk, quickly left the plane before it had made its full turn in the hanger and had hidden where?
(a) inside a utility closet
(b) inside the limo
(c) inside a nearby maintenance truck
(d) inside crates in the hanger

10. While Fache oversees the destruction of the safe in Teabing's plane, he receives a phone call from whom?
(a) Teabing
(b) Langdon
(c) Collet
(d) Vernet

11. Collet receives a phone call from Andre Vernet looking for whom?
(a) Aringarosa
(b) Teabing
(c) Silas
(d) Fache

12. Teabing happens to know of the Temple Church in London which houses how many knights' tombs?
(a) 14
(b) 12
(c) 10
(d) 16

13. What item does Remy retrieve from the bar?
(a) bottle
(b) wine opener
(c) glass
(d) champagne

14. Teabing tells Sophie that Mary was pregnant at the crucifixion and then shuttled off to what is now __________ to have her baby.
(a) France
(b) Scotland
(c) Italy
(d) Spain

15. Which of the following is not one of the symbols Teabing tells Sophie was created to represent Mary?
(a) chalice
(b) Holy Grail
(c) butterfly
(d) Rose

Short Answer Questions

1. Everyone escapes the house and Teabing then tells them that they are headed to a local airfield to fly where on his jet?

2. Just before landing, the pilot tells them that the air traffic control tower has requested they park at the terminal and not Teabing's private hanger, due to what?

3. Sophie wonders out loud if Vernet wants what for himself?

4. The plane is empty when the inspector boards it except for whom?

5. Teabing's theory is that the knight in the next clue was one of what group?

(see the answer keys)

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