The Curse of the Pharaohs Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Curse of the Pharaohs Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1-2

1. At the beginning of the novel, why is Amelia receiving guests at her home?
(a) For a funeral.
(b) For a birthday party.
(c) For a tea party.
(d) For a wedding reception.

2. Where does Amelia live?
(a) Bath.
(b) Sussex.
(c) London.
(d) Kent.

3. What does Amelia's husband call her?
(a) Peabody.
(b) Peacock.
(c) Darling.
(d) Amey.

4. Where does Amelia's husband want to do an archaeological dig?
(a) At Stonehenge.
(b) On their neighbor's land.
(c) Sherwood Forest.
(d) In Egypt.

5. In Chapter 1, how does Emerson make a living in England?
(a) Museum curating.
(b) Writing.
(c) Teaching.
(d) Horse breeding.

6. What is the name of Amelia's son?
(a) Radcliffe Jr.
(b) Ramses.
(c) Moses.
(d) Bartholomew.

7. While Amelia is entertaining, what does her son enter the room with?
(a) A wet dog.
(b) Bones.
(c) A snake skin.
(d) A stuffed owl.

8. Who was Lord Henry Baskerville?
(a) The owner of a Egyptian hotel.
(b) A collector of Egyptian art.
(c) A famous Egyptologist.
(d) Emerson's great uncle.

9. Where did Baskerville die?
(a) The Valley of the Kings.
(b) At his country estate.
(c) In Morocco.
(d) At a London hospital.

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