The Curse of Lono Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Curse of Lono Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the first chapter in this section?
(a) Nevermind.
(b) South Point.
(c) North Point.
(d) Bomb Fever.

2. What is the title of the second chapter in this section?
(a) The Last Supper.
(b) Marlin the Wizard.
(c) Getting to Business.
(d) We Killed Like Champions.

3. Where has Ralph taken his family?
(a) The Kamehameha hotel.
(b) The Honolulu Hotel.
(c) The Four Seasons Hotel.
(d) The Hula Hotel.

4. What did Hunter's crew want to hit the Marlin with?
(a) A brick.
(b) A harpoon.
(c) A baseball bat.
(d) A golf club.

5. What is Hunter standing next to in the picture?
(a) A statue.
(b) A volcano.
(c) A mountain.
(d) A truck.

6. What is the name of the King who greets Captain Cook in this section?
(a) King Kamehammeha.
(b) King Pele.
(c) King Lono.
(d) King Kealakekua.

7. Where is Ralph and his family taking a plane to?
(a) Brazil.
(b) England.
(c) New York.
(d) Cuba.

8. What does Ackerman promise to bring for Hunter?
(a) Some chemicals.
(b) Some films.
(c) Some women.
(d) Some money.

9. What has Ralph sketched at the end of the first chapter in this section?
(a) A deckchair.
(b) An axe.
(c) A wasp.
(d) A knife.

10. What kind of fish does Hunter capture in this section?
(a) A carp.
(b) A sword fish.
(c) A dolphin.
(d) A marlin.

11. Who does Hunter say he has now been accepted by?
(a) The literature scene.
(b) The communtiy of fisherman.
(c) The American government.
(d) The Kona community.

12. What stung Hunter at the poolside?
(a) A bee.
(b) An ant.
(c) A dragon fly.
(d) A wasp.

13. What horrifies the crowd about Hunter in this section?
(a) His boasting.
(b) His laugh.
(c) His bloody face.
(d) His nakedness.

14. Where city does Ackerman suggest they all go to?
(a) Kona.
(b) Honolulu.
(c) Dramaminu.
(d) The City of Refuge.

15. Who is Hunter suing in this chapter?
(a) The Running Magazine.
(b) Penguin Books.
(c) The Rolling Stone Magazine.
(d) The Kamehameha Hotel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Ralph used to draw the splintered oar?

2. Who called King Kamehameha the Alexander of Hawaii?

3. Why has the hotel quarantined Rupert?

4. What does Ackerman tell Hunter he plans to use the hotel for?

5. What did Ackerman have stolen from him in South Point?

(see the answer keys)

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