The Cuckoo's Calling Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Galbraith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cuckoo's Calling Test | Final Test - Medium

Robert Galbraith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Lucy's husband?
(a) Eric.
(b) Greg.
(c) Roy.
(d) Fred.

2. How many pictures are on the file that was deleted from Lula's computer?
(a) 19.
(b) 212.
(c) 122.
(d) 23.

3. What company was contracted to handle security in Lula's building at the time of her death?
(a) ARM Alarms.
(b) Securibell.
(c) Execubell.
(d) IST Technology.

4. What is Guy Some's original name?
(a) Tom Landry.
(b) Kevin Owusu.
(c) Roy Carver.
(d) Fred Bestigui.

5. What word, used to describe Guy Some in Part 4, Chapter 1, means having protruding eyes?
(a) Exoptic.
(b) Omnipotent.
(c) Exophthalmic.
(d) Optiprominent.

Short Answer Questions

1. To whom does Charlotte call Strike's office to say she is engaged in Part 4, Chapter 5?

2. At whose country-house did Lula and Fred Bestigui spend a weekend the week before she died?

3. What song by Deeby Macc did Some have Lula walk down the runway to in last season's show?

4. What are the names of Guy Some's cats?

5. Where had Guy Some been for a week, returning the night of Lula's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. What information does Spanner relate regarding Lula's laptop in Part 4, Chapter 2?

2. Who is Spanner and why does Strike meet with him in Part 3, Chapter 7?

3. Where does Robin find Strike after he leaves the office in Part 4, Chapter 5? How is he described when she finds him?

4. What clues emerge from Strike's meeting with Rochelle in Part 3, Chapter 8?

5. Who is Tony Landry and how does he come across in Part 3, Chapter 5?

6. What is said about the phone calls in the conversation between Strike and Tony Landry in Part 3, Chapter 6?

7. What items had Guy Some sent to Kentigern Gardens on the day before Lula died?

8. Who does Guy Some believe to be Lula's killer? Why?

9. What information does Charlotte relate to Robin when she calls Strike's office in Part 4, Chapter 5? How does Robin respond to this information?

10. What is noted about the body of the deceased in Lula's autopsy file?

(see the answer keys)

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