The Cuckoo's Calling Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Galbraith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cuckoo's Calling Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Galbraith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Guy Some say Ciara and Bryony are doing a shoot for him on Wednesday in Part 4, Chapter 1?
(a) Islington.
(b) Oxford.
(c) York.
(d) Paris.

2. What surgery had Yvette just had when Lula visited her on the day before her death?
(a) A gallbladder removal.
(b) A splenectomy.
(c) A hysterectomy.
(d) An appendectomy.

3. What is the password on Lula's computer, according to Spanner in Part 4, Chapter 2?
(a) Landry.
(b) Agyeman.
(c) Astolfi.
(d) Brisow.

4. Where did Guy Some grow up?
(a) Glasgow.
(b) Dublin.
(c) Hackney.
(d) Oxford.

5. What color is the faux fur jacket that Rochelle wears in Part 3, Chapter 8?
(a) Magenta.
(b) Black.
(c) Tiger-striped.
(d) Blue.

6. What was the name of the family dog that Robin recalls being put down in Part 4, Chapter 5?
(a) Jack.
(b) Rosco.
(c) Echo.
(d) Bruno.

7. Who told Bryony that Guy Some had tried contacting Lula via a spiritualist?
(a) Margo Leiter.
(b) Eric Wardle.
(c) Roy Carver.
(d) Evan Duffield.

8. Where does Rochelle say she lives now in Part 3, Chapter 8?
(a) Oxford.
(b) Hammersmith.
(c) Brighton Beach.
(d) Glasgow.

9. At what hotel did Tony Landry stay on the night before Lula's death?
(a) The Brown Hotel.
(b) The Malmaison Hotel.
(c) The St. Mary Hotel.
(d) The Lanesborough.

10. To what pub does Strike go after learning of Charlotte's engagement in Part 4, Chapter 5?
(a) The White Horse Tavern.
(b) The Phoenix Cafe.
(c) The Tottenham.
(d) The Blue Moon.

11. What name does Strike use when reserving the sequined jacket at Vashi in Part 3, Chapter 4?
(a) Fred Bestigui.
(b) Roy Carver.
(c) Eric Wardle.
(d) Andrew Atkinson.

12. What is the name of the drug dealer Duffield supposedly went to see on the night of Lula's death?
(a) Wardle.
(b) Whycliff.
(c) Bestigui.
(d) Mr. Luscious.

13. What does John Bristow give to Strike before departing into his office building in Part 3, Chapter 6?
(a) Lula's journal.
(b) Lula's ring.
(c) Lula's cell phone.
(d) Lula's laptop.

14. What is hydroquinone?
(a) A hair lightener.
(b) A drug for impotence.
(c) A drug for bipolar disorder.
(d) A skin lightener.

15. What are the names of Guy Some's cats?
(a) Herman and Charles.
(b) Viktor and Rolf.
(c) Patch and Blue.
(d) Mitzy and Celia.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where has Robin called impersonating Rochelle Onifade to confirm her appointment in Part 3, Chapter 8?

2. What relationship do Strike and Robin pretend to have when they visit Vashti in Part 3, Chapter 4?

3. What designer's dress does Rochelle say Lula tried on at Vashti on the day before she died?

4. What is Guy Some's original name?

5. What does Marlene Higson tell Strike is the first name of Lula's father?

(see the answer keys)

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