The Cruel Prince Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cruel Prince Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Black
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. There are five basic phases of Jude's plan in Chapter 29. What is Phase 2?
(a) Put the crown on Oak's head.
(b) Get in.
(c) Get everybody else in.
(d) Get out.

2. Why does Prince Cardan say he smiles a lot in Chapter 25?
(a) Because he is nervous.
(b) Because he is stupid.
(c) Because he loves Jude.
(d) Because he loves Taryn.

3. Who was given the orders to poison Liriope, according to the narrative in Chapter 22?
(a) The Bomb.
(b) The Ghost.
(c) Madoc.
(d) The Roach.

4. Where is Balekin in the Epilogue?
(a) In the Undersea.
(b) In the mortal world.
(c) Imprisoned in a tower.
(d) Buried by the stables.

5. Where does Jude stow her cloak at Hollow Hall in Chapter 17?
(a) In Cardan's room.
(b) Above the doorway.
(c) Under the doorway.
(d) In a woodpile.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jude states in Chapter 22, "Faerie might be beautiful, but its beauty is like" what (267)?

2. Who is Prince Dain's mother?

3. What does Cardan offer Jude in the end of the Epilogue?

4. There are five basic phases of Jude's plan in Chapter 29. What is Phase 4?

5. What kind of car does Heather drive?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is foreshadowed in the conversation between Locke and Jude at the Coronation Ball?

2. Why does Jude challenge Taryn to a duel in Chapter 23? What happens?

3. What conflict takes place between Jude and Madoc in Chapter 29?

4. What is the significance of the message carried by the messenger in Chapter 19?

5. What does Jude learn about Prince Dain's past actions in Chapter 22?

6. Who is crowned in Chapter 30? How?

7. Why is Prince Dain angry with Jude in Chapter 18? How does she respond?

8. How do Dain's spies regard Jude when they encounter her in Chapter 22?

9. What does Jude discover when she opens the golden acorn in Chapter 17?

10. What does Prince Balekin do during the coronation ceremony in Chapter 20?

(see the answer keys)

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