The Crossover Test | Final Test - Easy

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crossover Test | Final Test - Easy

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first line in the poem "Mom, Since You Asked, I'll Tell You Why I'm So Angry"?
(a) "Because sometimes I get thirsty."
(b) "Because dad tried to dunk."
(c) "Because I want to win a championship."
(d) "Because Jordan doesn't talk basketball anymore."

2. Who is JB and Josh's team set to play next week in "Article #1 in the Daily News (December 14)"?
(a) The St. Matthews Middle Giants.
(b) The Olive Branch Wildcats.
(c) The Independence Red Rockets.
(d) The Cook County Patriots.

3. What does Josh say his mother never lets them have in "Suspension"?
(a) Soda.
(b) Candy.
(c) Potato chips.
(d) Sandwiches.

4. What is the first question in "Questions"?
(a) "Why didn't you go to the doctor when Mom asked you?"
(b) "Have you been practicing your free throws?"
(c) "When is the game?"
(d) "Are you going to die?"

5. Josh describes relatives visiting the hospital from how many states in "Santa Claus Stops By"?
(a) 5.
(b) 3.
(c) 2.
(d) 6.

6. What game does Josh's team win in "This Week, I"?
(a) Game Twelve.
(b) Game Nine.
(c) Game Ten.
(d) Game Seven.

7. How old was Josh when he pushed a kid out of the swings for JB, according to the narrative in "Santa Claus Stops By"?
(a) 9.
(b) 5.
(c) 7.
(d) 6.

8. What is the first sentence in "The Doctor Pats Jordan and Me on the Back and Says"?
(a) "Your dad should be fine."
(b) "Your father is in a coma."
(c) "Your father is resting now."
(d) "Your father is no longer with us."

9. What is Josh's father's nickname?
(a) "Swoosh."
(b) "Filthy McNasty."
(c) "Slam-Dunk."
(d) "Da Man."

10. What does Josh describe his mother repeatedly singing in "The Doctor Pats Jordan and Me on the Back and Says"?
(a) "Kumbaya."
(b) "Halelujah."
(c) "Stand by Me."
(d) "On the Mountaintop."

11. How many points does JB have in the game in "The Nosebleed Section"?
(a) 16.
(b) 12.
(c) 5.
(d) 19.

12. What does JB's girlfriend ask for seconds of at the dinner table in "The Girl Who Stole My Brother"?
(a) Pizza.
(b) Vegetable lasagna.
(c) Tuna casserole.
(d) Spaghetti and meatballs.

13. The narrator says in "Basketball Rule #9," "When the game is on the line," to do what?
(a) "Keep running."
(b) "Shift focus."
(c) "Don't fear."
(d) "Focus."

14. What does Vondie's girlfriend want to be when she grows up, according to the narrator in "Even Vondie"?
(a) A doctor.
(b) A teacher.
(c) A basketball player.
(d) President.

15. How is the word "Churlish" described in the poem with the same name?
(a) "Outgoing and friendly."
(b) "Flirtatious and given to physical attractiveness."
(c) "Having a bad temper, and being difficult to work with."
(d) "Respectful of others, particularly in sports and games."

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the coach of Josh and JB's basketball team?

2. For how many days does Josh say his father has been in the hospital in "Tanka for Language Arts Class"?

3. At what time is the last message from Vondie posted in "Text Messages from Vondie"?

4. What does the narrator describe his sweat doing in the poem "The Last Shot"?

5. What does Josh describe eating for dessert in the beginning of "Final Jeopardy"?

(see the answer keys)

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